What is pho in Vietnam?
Known as National Dish of Vietnam! Pho is traditionally made with Beef bone broth. However, with the passion to share the delighted healthy delicious Pho and to serve it to wider group of customers, we come up with great recipes for Veggies, Chicken and Beef bone broths. Up to 12 hours slow cooked and prepared broths of Veggies, Chicken or Beef bones makes Pho aromatic and distinctive , delicious and nutritious. Served with proteins of your choice below, along with scallion, cilantro, onion,
How long does it take to cook pho?
Up to 12 hours slow cooked and prepared broths of Veggies, Chicken or Beef bones makes Pho aromatic and distinctive , delicious and nutritious. Served with proteins of your choice below, along with scallion, cilantro, onion,
What is in a lotus root salad?
Featuring mixture of healthy lotus root, fresh apples, picked carrots & daikon served with protein of your choice and side veggies rice crackers; then topped with cilantro, crushed peanuts and fried shallots.