Restaurant menu
Average price for a meal, calculated on the basis of an appetizer, entrée, and dessert, excluding drinks. The average price is only an indication.
About the restaurant
"Famous for its paellas and rice dishes. It is so close to beach that you can take you a dip, get out, and in a minute you arrive. And the visit is worthwhile, because you will enjoy, in a classic atmosphere, excellent seafood and Mediterranean cuisine.
¿Qué es lo que más se come en Salamanca?
En el SALAMANCA también son famosos sus jamones y embutidos ibéricos, procedentes de la propia provincia de Salamanca y sus excelentes carnes.
¿Cuántos años tiene el restaurante La Barceloneta?
El restaurante emblemático de La Barceloneta desde hace más de 50 años. Disfruta de la mejor Cocina Mediterránea y de Mercado, nuestras famosas paellas, nuestros exquisitos jamones de Salamanca, y el mejor marisco y pescado seleccionado a diario en la lonja del puerto de Barcelona.
Not available on OpenTable
Unfortunately, this restaurant is not on the OpenTable reservation network.
Unfortunately, this restaurant is not on the OpenTable reservation network.
Where is the Salamanca restaurant?
La Barca del Salamanca is a landmark restaurant in the Olympic Port of Barcelona, which come daily hundreds of locals and visitors to the city from all over the world to enjoy our Marinera and Mediterranean cuisine.
Is the Port Olimpic a good place to eat?
The restaurant at the Port Olimpic is a Barcelona landmark , and still serves delicious fresh fish, paella and other rice dishes. It's big and boisterous, as opposed to intimate and/or romantic. The service is good and the ambiance of being in the port among the yachts is lovely. Reservations a must and weekdays probably less hectic than weekends.