ACCESS Testing for ELL Students
States must administer an English language proficiency assessment to limited English proficient students in grades K through 12 in order to comply with the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. For the 2021-22 school year, the assessment administered for this purpose will be ACCESS for ELLs® through the WIDA Consortium.
An Interview with Eddie Collins, Son of our Namesake, Mrs. Sara Collins
We are proud to be named for Mrs. Sara Collins, an exemplary volunteer and PTA mom! Enjoy this interview with her son, Mr. Eddie Collins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf8YwLTn4ns&feature=youtu.be
School Visitor and Volunteer Guidelines
Greenville County Schools (GCS), in an effort to ensure the safety of all of our students, is implementing additional security checks for school volunteers.
Learn English Online for Free! Aprende Inglés online, gratis !
A new program available to parents who would like to learn English and become more involved in their child’s academic achievement. The program is free to parents and is on a first come first served basis. Rosetta Stone® Community Solution for K-12 is a program available to the parents of our English Language Learners.
Volunteering at Sara Collins Elementary..
Volunteers at Sara Collins Elementary School are involved in a variety of activities. We have opportunities for mentoring individual students, helping students read before school on Tuesday mornings, supporting our wonderful Freaky Friday, and helping in special classroom events.
Schoolwide Expectations
Our school has established general expectations for conduct across the school. You may find them HERE. Also, at the beginning of each school year, students in each classroom collaborate and create an essential agreement for their class. These agreements are signed and posted in the classrooms.