show hide menu

by Rudy Ratke Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to show/hide a menu button in Android dynamically:

  • Create a new Android Studio project: Create a new Android studio project with an empty Activity. ...
  • Create one delete icon and menu : Right click on the project name -> New -> Vector Asset. ...
  • Change MainActivity.kt : In onCreateOptionMenu, we are inflating the menu main_menu. ...
  • You might also like: Where is the color and why codevscolor ? ...

How to completely hide the menu?

  • Close the app that you want to adjust for the notch.
  • Launch Finder and select the Applications folder.
  • Right-click ( Ctrl-click) the icon for the app in question and choose Get Info.
  • Check the box next to Scale to fit below built-in camera.

Is it possible to hide the "menu"?

We can hide the menu bar for a specific document by going to the Document Properties>>Initial view>> choose the options that you want to hide. Is it possible to permanently hide these two bars so that whenever Acrobat is launched, they do not appear?

How can I hide the start menu?

Your apps and programs—right at your fingertips

  • Search box
  • Pinned items
  • All apps button
  • Recommended items
  • Account settings
  • Power

How to hide a menu item?

  • Download the tool PSEXEC from Microsoft/Sysinternals: Unzip it to your hard disk
  • Download the tool SQLLite Browser from: Choose "Portable App" and install it
  • Start a cmd box as Administrator
  • CD to the directory where PSEXEC.exe sits

More items...


How do I hide the menu bar on my website?

7:009:20Let's watch the elements tab right here on the nav scroll down hidden there we go scroll up goneMoreLet's watch the elements tab right here on the nav scroll down hidden there we go scroll up gone away scroll down hidden up it's gone away.

How do I make a show Hide button?

Step 1 | In your Dashboard, drag the chart(s) you want to show/hide into a newly created container. Note the container needs to be 'floating' in order do create the show/hide button. Step 2 | Click the 'carrot' icon on the container and select “Add Show/Hide Button”.

How do I hide the menu bar in HTML?

Add hide-nav-bar="true" inside your tag.

How do I show the menu bar in FileMaker?

Shows or hides the menu bar in FileMaker WebDirect and FileMaker Go. Lock prevents the state of the menu bar from being changed (FileMaker Go only). Show tells FileMaker WebDirect or FileMaker Go to show the menu bar. Hide tells FileMaker WebDirect or FileMaker Go to hide the menu bar.

How do you show and hide a form?

To show or hide a form on a button click:Add a click event listener to the button element.Each time the button is clicked check if the form element is hidden.If the form is hidden, show it, otherwise hide the form.

How do you hide in HTML?

You can hide an element by using the Boolean attribute hidden with the element. When you specify the hidden attribute in the HTML file, then the browser will not display that element, which is specified with this attribute.

How do I hide the header in HTML?

You can specify either 'hidden' (without value) or 'hidden="hidden"'. Both are valid. A hidden

is not visible, but maintains its position on the page.

How do you hide in CSS?

You can hide an element in CSS using the CSS properties display: none or visibility: hidden. display: none removes the entire element from the page and mat affect the layout of the page. visibility: hidden hides the element while keeping the space the same.

How do I hide the header when scrolling down?

The function toggleHeader() It adds the class hide when the direction is down and scroll amount is greater than 52px (the header height). Otherwise, it removes the class hide.

How to add if menu to WordPress?

Sign in to your WordPress site, visit Plugins > Add New. Search for If Menu plugin.

Why do websites have navigation menus?

Every website has navigation menu items. They help webmasters to divert visitors to certain category-related posts or pages on the site. The items are common in most cases. It means, everyone who is engaged with the site will see the same menu irrespective of their user roles and pages opened.

What is Nav Menu Roles?

Nav Menu Roles is another popular plugin to hide menu items based on user roles. So you can show some items to certain users only and hide the same from others as well.

Can admins view all items?

The plugin doesn’t limit the item visibility strictly to that role but considering it as the minimum base role in the site. An Administrator is able to view all items even though they are restricted to the subscribers. Because he or she has powers of all other user roles. In the same way, other users who are above the subscriber role too can view the same item.


Here is a working demo of the toggle menu you should get at the and of this tutorial. I have tested it on IE9, Latest version of FireFox, Chrome, Safari and Opera and it worked on all of them. Doesn’t work below IE8.


Here is a simple HTML markup for the buttons and the arrow which will be used to show or hide the menu.


The script is quite simple and does not require any JavaScript labriary.

Showing and Hiding

Cutting to the chase and keeping it simple for the time being, we’re going to have our page start out with a visible content area and hidden navigation. So we can start with this CSS:


There are plenty of things you can do with that basic concept, but let’s fix up an obvious issue: we don’t want the page to jump down, we want the navigation to majestically appear near to the instigating link. One obvious solution is to simply position the navigation at the top of the page:


Have a gander at the JavaScript example and the target example to see it all work together. There are a few additional licks of paint in there, but the purpose of these, as with all of the examples on this site, is to show a bare-bones proof of concept. Tinker.

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