How do I contact Oswego sub shop?
Discover our house specialties once and you'll be back. That's Oswego Sub Shop at (315) 343-1233. We'll be waiting for you. Sirved has 43 restaurant menus for Oswego, New York. Want a specific cuisine? Check out our best lists for Italian, Asian or Mexican in Oswego.
How many restaurant menus are there in Oswego?
Sirved has 43 restaurant menus for Oswego, New York. Want a specific cuisine? Check out our best lists for Italian, Asian or Mexican in Oswego. Dietary need?
Where is the best place to get lunch in Oswego?
If we ever come back to visit Oswego, we will definitely do two things: have breakfast at Wade's, and after that we'll lunch on Oswego Sub Shop subs. Oswego Sub Shop in my opinion have the best subs in Oswego, the staff are always friendly and glad that they are open late on the weekends.
How many restaurant menus does Sirved have for Oswego?
We'll be waiting for you. Sirved has 43 restaurant menus for Oswego, New York. Want a specific cuisine? Check out our best lists for Italian, Asian or Mexican in Oswego.

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12 reviews are hidden as the reviewers only posted rating and did not describe their experience.