sul domain_7 su menu

by Juwan Thiel Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the SU domain zone?

The .su domain zone does not relate to a specific country: it was created in the USSR and unlike the country it still exists. To date, it has more than 100 thousand registered domain names.

Is the su top-level domain still in use?

Even though the Soviet Union itself was dissolved a mere 15 months later, the .su top-level domain remains in use today with over 100,000 .su domains as of January 2022 . It is administered by the Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN, or RosNIIROS in Russian transcription).

What is the SU Command in Linux?

In Linux, the su command (switch user) is used to run a command as a different user. In this guide, you will learn how to use the su command, with practical examples. The su command is used to run a function as a different user.

What configuration items are relevant for SU?

su reads the /etc/default/su and /etc/login.defs configuration files. The following configuration items are relevant for su: FAIL_DELAY (number) Delay in seconds in case of an authentication failure. The number must be a non-negative integer. ENV_PATH (string) Defines the PATH environment variable for a regular user.

How domains are there?

Even though the Soviet Union itself was dissolved a mere 15 months later, the .su top-level domain remains in use today with over 100,000 .su domains as of July 2020. [update] . It is administered by the Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN, or RosNIIROS in Russian transcription).

When was the.RU domain created?

In 1994 the .ru domain was created, which is supposed to eventually replace the .su domain (domains for the republics other than Russia were created at different times in the mid-nineties). The domain was supposed to be withdrawn by ICANN, but it was kept at the request of the Russian government and Internet users.

Is the TLD domain still used?

Despite the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the superseding of the TLD by the new country TLDs of the republics that gained independence, it is still in use as of 2021. [update] .

What is the su command?

Additionally, su can also be used to change to a different shell interpreter on the fly. su is an older but more fully-featured command. It can duplicate the functionality of sudo by use of the –c option to pass a single command to the shell.

How to use su in Linux?

To use the su command, enter it into a command-line as follows: su [options] [username [arguments]] If a username is specified, su defaults to the superuser (root). Simply find the user you need and add it to the su command syntax.

What is the purpose of sudo?

sudo Command. The sudo command grants a one-time or limited-time access to root functionality. Typically, the sudo command is used to quickly run an administrative command, then return to the user account’s regular permissions. To provide sudo access, the user has to be added to the sudo group.

What is a su command?

su allows commands to be run with a substitute user and group ID. When called with no user specified, su defaults to running an interactive shell as root. When user is specified, additional argument s can be supplied, in which case they are passed to the shell. For backward compatibility, su defaults to not change the current directory and to only set the environment variables HOME and SHELL (plus USER and LOGNAME if the target user is not root). It is recommended to always use the --login option (instead of its shortcut -) to avoid side effects caused by mixing environments. This version of su uses PAM for authentication, account and session management. Some configuration options found in other su implementations, such as support for a wheel group, have to be configured via PAM. su is mostly designed for unprivileged users, the recommended solution for privileged users (e.g., scripts executed by root) is to use non-set-user-ID command runuser (1) that does not require authentication and provides separate PAM configuration. If the PAM session is not required at all then the recommended solution is to use command setpriv (1) . Note that su in all cases uses PAM ( pam_getenvlist (3)) to do the final environment modification. Command-line options such as --login and --preserve-environment affect the environment before it is modified by PAM.

What does su return?

su normally returns the exit status of the command it executed. If the command was killed by a signal, su returns the number of the signal plus 128. Exit status generated by su itself: 1 Generic error before executing the requested command 126 The requested command could not be executed 127 The requested command was not found

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