Secret Menu The Dropout The Dropout: Mountain Dew + Vanilla + Cranberry + Fresh Lemon. Sunkissed Sugar free reviver, sugar free strawberry and fresh lemon. Swig Menu Endless Summer Mountain Dew + Pomegranate + Grapefruit + Fresh Lime
Full Answer
What kind of drinks do Swig drink?
Swig Menu. Blended reviver, light lemonade, guava, strawberry, and coconut cream. Mountain Dew, raspberry, peach, and vanilla cream. Diet Coke, coconut, and fresh lime. Mountain Dew, mango puree, and strawberry puree. Root beer, butterscotch, and vanilla creme. Blended reviver, Mountain Dew, coconut, pineapple, blue raspberry, and half & half.
When did Swig open their first location?
They opened their first location across the street from Dixie State University in April of 2010. Swig has since expanded into multiple states and has quickly become thousands of people’s go-to place for drinks and sweets!
What is Swig and why is it so popular?
Swig has since expanded into multiple states and has quickly become thousands of people’s go-to place for drinks and sweets!

Does Swig have a secret menu?
Secret Menu Reviver, peach, pineapple and coconut cream. Sparkling water, sugar free coconut and fresh orange. Sprite, lemonade, strawberry and gummy shark. Blended reviver, peach puree and strawberry puree.
What is the best drink from Swig?
The Raspberry DreamThe Raspberry Dream is the best drink from Swig and now you can make it at home for pennies on the dollar!
What is in the missionary drink at Swig?
At Sodalicious, best sellers include the Extra Dirty Second Wife (Mountain Dew, fruit syrups, a shot of half-and-half), while down the road at a drive-through called Swig, customers like the Missionary (Sprite, tiger's blood syrup, coconut cream).
What is a refresher at Swig?
This add is the perfect sip for hot Utah summer days. The refresher from Swig tops the list this time. The combo to ask for is sparkling water, mango puree, grapefruit, and fresh lemon. It's crisp, it's sweet, and you can get it an any one of your favorite soda shops.
What is a dirty soda from Swig?
At Swig, for example, there's “The Founder,” a drink made of Diet Coke, sugar-free coconut, fresh lime and coconut cream. (Any time you add anything to soda, it's considered “dirty,” Tanner told TODAY.)
Why is Swig so popular?
Some suggested that, due to the state's massive Mormon population, Swig has become popular as an alternative to alcohol-filled cocktails. Alcohol, in addition to coffee, is generally not consumed by Mormons. As some TikTok users wrote, soda — like the colorful drinks at Swig — offers an alternative to both.
What is in Swig endless summer?
Try a classic Swig summer drink like the “Endless Summer,” featuring pomegranate, grapefruit, mountain dew, and lime.
What is the most popular drink in Utah?
SALT LAKE CITY — Barton Vodka is the biggest selling alcohol in Utah, according to new numbers provided by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
Do Mormons drink a lot of soda?
While many Mormons do avoid caffeinated soft drinks, LDS Doctrine and Covenants – the revelation Mormon prophet Joseph Smith says he received from God — only explicitly forbids the consumption of "hot drinks."
Whats in the strawberry Breeze at Swig?
What is in it? Shelli Cook Water, Sugar free vanilla, sugar free coconut, strawberry purée, frozen strawberries and coconut cream!
What is a dirty soda shop?
In the mid-2010s, shops slinging “dirty sodas,” or fountain sodas spiked with cream, flavored syrups, and other add-ins, started popping up all over Utah. The drinks are similar to Italian sodas, which combine flavored syrups with club soda, but are made with popular soft drinks like Sprite and Diet Coke.
Is Swig only in Utah?
Swig currently only has restaurants in two states: Utah and Arizona. Now, thanks to TikTok, fast food fans around the country are finding out about it. Some are even road-tripping to try it out.
When did Swig open?
They opened their first location across the street from Dixie State University in April of 2010. Swig has since expanded into multiple states and has quickly become thousands of people’s go-to place for drinks and sweets! Careers.
Where did Swig start?
Swig got its start in 2010 in Saint George, Utah. Owner and Founder Nicole Tanner was brainstorming with her husband one night about possible business ideas. He suggested a drive-by drink shop, something they both agreed could be successful.