Where is the Tasty House in Sacramento?
Tasty House located at 7301 Stockton Blvd, Sacra mento, CA is the best destination for those who want to experience fresh and healthy foodstuffs. Tasty House specializes in Japanese and Chinese cuisine. . If you love to eat Asian food and enjoy exploring food, culture, and culinary traditions of Japanese food, Chinese food, Tasty House should be at the top of your bucket list. Our food is as much about the preparation and presentation as it is the food itself. Each day, Tasty House chefs select the freshest produce to create your meal. We welcome you to enjoy the best Chinese, Japanese food and Sushi in Tasty House Sacramento,CA.
Is the tasty house accessible?
Tasty House is committed to the accessibility and usability of its website tastyhousesac.com , for all people with disabilities. With that, our restaurant has implemented the relevant portions of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines as its web accessibility standard to the greatest extent feasible.Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing.If at any time you have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of any web page on our website. If you do encounter an accessibility issue, please be sure to mention the specific web page in your email, and we will do our best to make that page accessible for you.If you have questions or need any assistance with obtaining our products or services, please call us at (916) 391-8898 during our regular business hours.