How many meals can an elementary student charge?
Is Domino's Pizza in Thompson School District?
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How many meals can an elementary student charge?
Elementary Students are not allowed to charge more than 2 meals. Please remember to send money for their accounts on a regular basis by using
Is Domino's Pizza in Thompson School District?
Domino’s Smart Slice Pizza has arrived at Thompson School District! Unlike regular Domino’s Pizza , Domino’s Smart Slice Pizza is made with reduced sodium sauce, reduced fat cheese, and whole grain crust that meet The National School Lunch Program’s nutrition standards. This pizza is designed specifically for schools and cannot be purchased like a regular Domino’s pizza. We hope your student (s) enjoy it!
Is Ivy Stockwell breakfast and lunch?
Welcome to the 2018 - 2019 Ivy Stockwell Breakfast and Lunch program. Ivy Stockwell follows the Thompson School District Nutrition Services guidelines. We offer a healthy and nutritious breakfast and lunch to all our students.
How much does a Thomaston student have to pay for lunch?
As Thomaston parents are already aware, students requesting a cafeteria-made lunch are required to pay $3.00 for that lunch before or at the time of the request. If your child’s lunch account does not have at least $3.00 available to purchase a cafeteria-made lunch, your child’s lunch account will still be charged, putting your child’s account in a negative balance.
What to do if you receive a message from your child's lunch program?
If you receive this message, please respond with prompt payment. Also, if you believe that you were sent the message in error, you are encouraged to contact your child’s lunch program manager via email (see addresses to the left of this message).
What happens if my child's lunch account goes negative?
If your child’s lunch account goes into a negative balance, you will receive a message from the district requesting payment. To be certain that this negative balance does not reach a level that will be difficult for you to pay, the district will send a negative lunch balance message twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
How many meals can an elementary student charge?
Elementary Students are not allowed to charge more than 2 meals. Please remember to send money for their accounts on a regular basis by using
Is Domino's Pizza in Thompson School District?
Domino’s Smart Slice Pizza has arrived at Thompson School District! Unlike regular Domino’s Pizza , Domino’s Smart Slice Pizza is made with reduced sodium sauce, reduced fat cheese, and whole grain crust that meet The National School Lunch Program’s nutrition standards. This pizza is designed specifically for schools and cannot be purchased like a regular Domino’s pizza. We hope your student (s) enjoy it!