tio colo menu

by Sabryna McLaughlin Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Tio Colo Pizzas Hongo Family Pizza $14.99 Mixta Family Pizza $17.99 Bacon Personal Pizza

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Tio Colo Pizza Cubana Pictures

You’re probably thinking that if you’re going to have a Guava Pizza chaser to your savory Pizza Cubana, why leave space for their namesake sandwiches? Very simply, they’re fantastic.

Tio Colo Ice Cream Sandwiches

You’ve never had an ice cream sandwich like this, and what makes it extra special is the quality of the ice cream itself is incredible. I like to stick to the mantecado sandwich or Cuban vanilla, which is very close in flavor profile to egg nog.

Tio Colo Bocaditos Menu

So there you have it, Tio Colo’s Bocaditos de Helado and Pizza Cubana in a nutshell. If these pictures don’t motivate you to get up, drive over there and get some, I’m not sure that anything could.

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