win menu

by Dr. Lisette Waters Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Turn on full-screen Start Menu in Windows 10 using Group Policy

  • Press Win+R to open the Run prompt.
  • Type gpedit.msc and hit the Enter button.
  • Navigate to Start Menu and Taskbar in User Configuration.
  • Double-click on Force Start to be either full screen size or menu size.
  • Select the Enabled option.
  • Expand the drop-down list and choose Full screen Start.
  • Click on the OK button.

Full Answer

How to get to start menu?

If if you start typing in a hashtag ... on the three dots or “more” menu, I can add either to “Get Messages” or “Get WhatsApp Messages.” You want to go with the “Get messages” button, click that and you can see that the actual button ...

How to access Start Menu folder in win 10?

Use the File Explorer to Open the Startup Folder for a Particular User

  • Right-click Windows and select File Explorer. ...
  • Now open This PC and double-click on your system drive (usually, the C drive). ...
  • Then select the Users folder and open the folder with your username. ...
  • Now open the AppData folder (you may have to show the hidden files of the system) and double-click on Roaming. ...

More items...

Where is my computer on Windows 10 Start menu?

  • Where is the Start menu?
  • What is accessible in the Start menu?
  • Windows 10 Start menu.
  • Should I capitalize "menu" in Windows Start menu?
  • Related pages.

Where is Windows 10 Start button?

  • 100% DPI – use 54 x 162 px
  • 125% DPI – use 66 x 198 px
  • 150% DPI – use 81 x 243 px


Left Pane

Click the username at the top of the menu to change account settings or log in with another user.

Search Box

The “Search box” on the Taskbar will allow you to search within your documents and files or on the Web for anything you write. The initial results will appear within the Start Menu itself.

Right Pane

The right pane features a varied array of tiles, similar to the ones that were seen on the Start Screen of Windows 8.

What is the menu bar?

The menu bar simply contains a menu name. The application uses the TrackPopupMenu function to display the menu associated with this menu item. (The menu bar itself is not displayed because TrackPopupMenu requires a handle to a menu, submenu, or shortcut menu.)


The WM_CONTEXTMENU message is generated when an application's window procedure passes the WM_RBUTTONUP or WM_NCRBUTTONUP message to the DefWindowProc function. The application can process this message to display a shortcut menu appropriate to a specific portion of its screen. If the application does not display a shortcut menu, it should pass the message to DefWindowProc for default handling.

How to change a menu item from text to bitmap?

To change a menu item from a text item to a bitmap item, use SetMenuItemInfo. To add a new bitmap item to a menu, use the InsertMenuItem function. Applications written for earlier versions of the system can continue to use the ModifyMenu, InsertMenu, or AppendMenu functions to set the MF_BITMAP flag.


Whenever the item must be drawn (for example, when it is first displayed or when the user selects it), the system sends the WM_DRAWITEM message to the window procedure of the menu's owner window. This message contains a pointer to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure, which contains information about the item, including the item data that an application may have assigned to it. In addition, DRAWITEMSTRUCT contains flags that indicate the state of the item (such as whether it is grayed or selected) as well as a bounding rectangle and a device context that the application uses to draw the item.

What is the function of load menu?

The LoadMenu function returns a menu handle that you can use to assign the menu to a window. This window becomes the menu's owner window, receiving all the messages generated by the menu. To create a menu from a menu template that is already in memory, use the LoadMenuIndirect function.

What is an old menu template?

An old menu template (Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 and earlier) defines a menu, but does not support the new menu functionality. An old menu-template resource has the RT_MENU resource type.

Can you assign a menu to a child window?

You cannot assign a menu to a window that is a child window. To create a class menu, include the identifier of the menu-template resource as the lpszMenuName member of a WNDCLASS structure and then pass a pointer to the structure to the RegisterClass function.


Using A Menu-Template Resource

Creating A Shortcut Menu

  • To use a shortcut menu in an application, pass its handle to the TrackPopupMenuEx function. An application typically calls TrackPopupMenuEx in a window procedure in response to a user-generated message, such as WM_LBUTTONDOWN or WM_KEYDOWN. In addition to the pop-up menu handle, TrackPopupMenuExrequires that you specify a handle to the owner window, the p…
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Using menu-item Bitmaps

  • The system can use a bitmap instead of a text string to display a menu item. To use a bitmap, you must set the MIIM_BITMAP flag for the menu item and specify a handle to the bitmap that the system should display for the menu item in the hbmpItem member of the MENUITEMINFOstructure. This section describes how to use bitmaps for menu items. 1. Settin…
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Creating Owner-Drawn Menu Items

  • If you need complete control over the appearance of a menu item, you can use an owner-drawn menu item in your application. This section describes the steps involved in creating and using an owner-drawn menu item. 1. Setting the Owner-Drawn Flag 2. Owner-Drawn Menus and the WM_MEASUREITEM Message 3. Owner-Drawn Menus and the WM_DRAWITEM Message 4. O...
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Using Custom Check Mark Bitmaps

  • The system provides a default check-mark bitmap for displaying next to a menu item that is selected. You can customize an individual menu item by providing a pair of bitmaps to replace the default check-mark bitmap. The system displays one bitmap when the item is selected and the other when it is clear. This section describes the steps involved in creating and using custom ch…
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