What is Admin_menu in WordPress?
More Information. This action is used to add extra submenus and menu options to the admin panel's menu structure. It runs after the basic admin panel menu structure is in place. This action mustn't be placed in an admin_init action function because the admin_init action is called after admin_menu.
How do I get a menu bar in WordPress?
Within WordPress, navigate to the Appearance > Customize screen, then click on Menus. If you don't have a menu set up yet, you can simply select Create New Menu to get started. You'll be given the option to name your menu and choose where it will appear.
How do I create a dashboard menu in WordPress?
Creating menu – add_action('admin_menu', 'custom_menu'); In above line of code, first parameter is the hook we discuss about, Second parameter is name of callback function. In callback function you have to write what you want to alter in admin menu. As you can see in custom_menu() function I just used add_menu_page().
How do I create a custom admin menu in WordPress?
To add an administration menu, you must do three things:Create a function that contains the menu-building code.Register the above function using the admin_menu action hook. ... Create the HTML output for the page (screen) displayed when the menu item is clicked.
How do I create a top bar in WordPress?
WordPress: How to add an extra top menu/navbarGo to Appearance > Customize in your dashboard as shown below:Go to the Layout Options section:Select "Add an extra menu to the top" from the options:Then click the "Save & Publish" button at the top to save the settings.
How do I customize the top bar in WordPress?
To edit the area simply log into WordPress and go to Appearance > Customize > Top Bar to make your adjustments.
How do I create a custom dashboard for my WordPress client?
How to Create a Custom WordPress Dashboard (6 Methods)Add or Remove Existing Widgets From Your Dashboard. ... Customize Your WordPress Login Screen. ... White Label Your Dashboard. ... Set Up a WordPress Admin Theme. ... Create Custom Dashboard Widgets. ... Add or Remove Items from Your Dashboard's Menu.
How do I create a dynamic dashboard in WordPress?
Step 1: Run Setup Wizard. Once you install and activate the plugin, head to Settings → White Label CMS to run the setup wizard. ... Step 2: Customize Other Branding. ... Step 3: Customize Login Page. ... Step 4: Add Custom Dashboard Widgets. ... Step 5: Customize Sidebar Menu and Toolbar.
How do I create a dynamic menu in WordPress?
Dynamic Navigation Menus Based on User RoleDownload and install the plugin.In the website's back end go to Appearance –> Menus.Now select the menu item based on your requirement.Here you can select the display mode as 'Logged Out Users', 'Logged In Users' or 'By Role'.More items...•
How do I create an administrative menu?
Next Reading Suggestions!Step 1: Register the module. Create the file registration.php. ... Step 2: Configure module. Create file module.xml. ... Step 3: Create file menu. xml. ... Step 4: Create file routes.xml. ... Step 5: Create page to attach link in the menu. ... Step 6: Determine the interface of the page. ... Step 7: Install module.
How do I add an admin to my WordPress site?
Creating a new pageLog in to the WordPress admin dashboard. Firstly, you'll need to log in to the WordPress admin dashboard. ... Choose 'Pages' After logging in, you will be taken to the WordPress admin dashboard. ... STEP 3| Add new page. ... Give the page a title. ... dd your page content. ... Save your page.
How do I administer a WordPress site?
WordPress access through a direct linkOn your browser's address bar, search for your domain name with /wp-admin or /wp-login. ... Type in your WordPress Username or Email Address and Password. ... Once logging in is successful, you will land on your WordPress Dashboard and manage it.
Why is my menu not showing up in WordPress?
If a new page you published doesn't show up in your top nav menu, then you're probably using the custom menu; if so, you need to go to Appearance>Menus, check the page in the Pages module, click Add to Menu, then click Save Menu.
How do I add a menu to my WordPress theme?
Creating New WordPress Add Menu Location via Dashboard Head over to Appearance > Menus in your dashboard. You'll notice your new menus will be listed under Theme Locations in the Manage Location section. Feel free to create a new menu or use an existing one.
Where is the navigation menu?
On a website, a navigation menu is an organized list of links to other web pages, usually internal pages. Navigation menus appear most commonly in page headers or sidebars across a website, allowing visitors to quickly access the most useful pages.
What is WordPress admin function?
The WordPress administration functions take care of validating the user login, so you don't have to worry about it in your function.
How to add sub menus to WordPress?
Once your top-level menu is defined, or you have chosen to use an existing WordPress top-level menu, you are ready to define one or more sub-level menu items using the add_submenu_page function. Make sure to add the sub-level menu items in the order you want them displayed.
What is the slug name of a WordPress admin file?
The slug name for the parent menu, or the file name of a standard WordPress admin file that supplies the top-level menu in which you want to insert your submenu, or your plugin file if this submenu is going into a custom top-level menu.
What is menu_slug in PHP?
If the function parameter is omitted, the menu_slug should be the PHP file that handles the display of the menu page content.
What is sub level menu?
A sub-level menu means the menu item is a member of an existing menu. It is rare that a plugin would require the creation of a top-level menu. If the plugin introduces an entirely new concept or feature to WordPress, and needs many screens to do it, then that plugin may warrant a new top-level menu.
What is the function of add_menu_page?
The WordPress functions such as add_menu_page and add_submenu_page take a capability which will be used to determine whether the top-level or sub-level menu is displayed.
What is the page hook suffix?
Every function that adds a new administration menu ( add_menu_page (), add_submenu_page () and its specialized versions such as add_options_page ()) returns a special value called Page Hook Suffix. It can be used later as a hook to which an action called only on that particular page can be registered.
What is admin menu editor?
Admin Menu Editor lets you manually edit the Dashboard menu. You can reorder the menus, show/hide specific items, change permissions, and more.
How to activate plugins in WordPress?
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. That’s it. You can access the the menu editor by going to Settings -> Menu Editor. The plugin will automatically load your current menu configuration the first time you run it. WP MultiSite installation.
What is hidden menu?
A hidden menu is invisible to all users, including administrators. The Pro version lets you set per-role menu permissions, hide a menu from everyone except a specific user, export your admin menu, drag items between menu levels, make menus open in a new window and more. Try online demo.
What happens if you delete a menu?
If you delete any of the default menus they will reappear after saving. This is by design. To get rid of a menu for good, either hide it or change it’s access permissions.
Can you give a role access to a menu item that it couldn't see before?
In the free version, it’s not possible to give a role access to a menu item that it couldn’t see before. You can only restrict menu access further.
Can you edit 3 level menus in a free version?
Refactored the menu editor and added limited support for editing three level menus. While the free version doesn’t have the ability to actually render nested items in the admin menu, it should at least load a menu configuration that includes more than two levels without crashing. This will probably only matter if someone edits the settings in the database or copies a menu configuration from the Pro version.
What is admin menu?
Administration Menus are the interfaces displayed in WordPress Administration. They allow you to add option pages for your plugin.
Where are the top level menus in WordPress?
The Top-level menus are rendered along the left side of the WordPress Administration. Each menu may contain a set of Sub-menus. When deciding between Top-level menus and Sub-menus think carefully about the needs of your plugin as well as the needs of your end users. Alert:
What is WordPress admin function?
The WordPress administration functions take care of validating the user login, so you don’t have to worry about it in your function.
What is the function of add_menu_page?
The WordPress functions such as add_menu_page () and add_submenu_page () take a capability which will be used to determine whether the top-level or sub-level menu is displayed.
What is a function in a menu?
function – the function that displays the page content for the menu page.
What is a sub level menu?
This means a sub-level menu item is a member of an existing top-level menu. It is rare that a theme would require the creation ...
What is menu_slug in PHP?
menu_slug – the slug name to refer to this menu by (should be unique for this menu). Prior to Version 3.0 this was called the file (or handle) parameter. If the function parameter is omitted, the menu_slug should be the PHP file that handles the display of the menu page content.
What is dashboard in WordPress?
Dashboard – information central for your site and include the Updates option for updating WordPress core, plugins, and themes.
What is customizer API?
This is no longer the recommended way to work with theme options. The Customizer API is the recommended way to give more control and flexibility to your users. Theme authors might need to provide a settings screen, so users can customize how their theme is used or works.
What happens when you add plugins to your blog?
After you begin to add new plugins and functions to your blogging system, you’ll keep on stacking up the icons in the admin menu and you can easily end up with a confusing menu where your authors won’t be able to find their posts or a gallery to add new images.
Can you change access rights in menus?
You can change access rights, icons, and titles for all menus, export and import them and even use shortcodes. Check out the PRO version demo to see the real power of this plugin.
Is the admin menu the same after installation?
Every WordPress admin menu is looking the same after the installation. That might be a good thing if you work on different sites powered by our beloved WordPress, but if you’re creating a blog for a client, you might want to modify the admin menu to achieve a unique look.
Can you change things on WordPress?
Although there aren’t that many options on the WordPress Dashboard, you can still quite easily change things on your own. In today’s guide, let us show you a few quick tips which will help you modify a WordPress admin menu to your needs:
Is WordPress frontend or backend?
While the WordPress frontend is highly customizable and you literally have limitless options for your site, the backend i.e. the WordPress Dashboard is somewhat limited and you’re basically stuck with what you got.
Is admin menu editor free?
Although more popular than the previously mentioned plugin, Admin Menu Editor comes in free and premium version so you will have to buy the license if you want all the extra features. There aren’t big differences between the plugins and Admin Menu Editor will also give you the ability to rearrange menu for yourself or any other user role simply by dragging and dropping menus and submenus where you want them.
What is the first parameter in a menu?
First parameter is page title. the title tag of the page when the menu is selected..
What is the sixth parameter in WordPress?
Sixth parameter is for icon, either you can provide a URL of image or you can choose predefined WordPress icons. https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/
Can you add custom admin menu to WordPress?
As we know WordPress provide hook using which we can easily add custom admin menu. So, for this we’ll use ‘admin_menu’ hook and add action to this hook

Every Plot Needs A Hook
- To add an administration menu, you must do three things: 1. Create a function that contains the menu-building code 2. Register the above function using the admin_menu action hook. (If you are adding an admin menu for the Network, use network_admin_menuinstead). 3. Create the HTML output for the page (screen) displayed when the menu item is clicked It is that second step that i…
Determining Location For New Menus
- Before creating a new menu, first decide if the menu should be a top-level menu, or a sub-levelmenu item. A top-level menu displays as new section in the administration menus and contains sub-level menu items. A sub-level menu means the menu item is a member of an existing menu. It is rare that a plugin would require the creation of a top-level menu. If the plugin …
Admin Menu Functions
- Now that you have decided where to add your top-level or sub-level menu, the next step is to tell WordPress about your new pages. All of this will take place in a function registered to the 'admin_menu'action. A working example is presented at the end of this section.
Page Hook Suffix
- Every function that adds a new administration menu (add_menu_page(), add_submenu_page() and its specialized versions such as add_options_page()) returns a special value called Page Hook Suffix. It can be used later as a hook to which an action called only on that particular page can be registered. One such action hook is load-{page_hook}, where {page_hook} is the value ret…