What's on the Yard House menu?
We have the serving size, calories, fat, protein and carbs for just about every item that Yard House offers. To start, we’ve sorted their food offers into categories: Burgers, Caesar Salad, Chicken, Desserts, Fish, French Fries, Pizza, Salads, Sandwiches and Soups. Is there a menu item from Yard House that we’re missing, or you’d like to see?
What is the text number for Yard House?
VIEW LOCAL BEER MENU Text jointo 37238 FOR THE NEWEST BREWS & NEWS AT YOUR LOCAL YARD HOUSE By texting in, you agree to receive recurring messages from Yard House. Automated marketing messages will be sent to the number provided.
What is the lowest calorie dessert on the Yard House menu?
The Desserts on the Yard House menu with the lowest amount of calories are Mini Peach Apple Cobbler (410 calories), Chocolate Souffle (460 calories) and Chocolate Banana Creme Brulee (730 calories).

Best: Chilled Edamame
The edamame, which clocks in at only 100 calories, and the ahi sashimi (below), which hits at 410 calories, are two of the best choices to start. "Both apps are full of protein, which will take the hunger edge off so that you won't end up overeating your entrée," Burak explains.
Best: Ahi Sashimi
Thanks to 28 grams of filling protein, this is a satiating appetizer to start your meal.
Worst: Chicken Nachos
The chicken nachos contain a whopping 2,470 calories. There are 155 grams of carbs—which equates to over 10 servings—55 grams of saturated fat, and more than 4,000 milligrams of sodium. "Since this falls in the appetizer section of the menu, I would hope that a bunch of people share this one," says Burak.
Worst: Wisconsin Fried Cheese Curds
The Wisconsin fried cheese curds are just as unhealthy as they sound, with 1,980 calories and 56 grams of saturated fat. Plus, they contain an outrageously high amount of sodium, which is almost four times what an adult's daily sodium intake should be.
Best: Mixed Field Green Salad
According to Burak, "The best choice of a starter at a restaurant is always going to be the mixed greens salad." The calorie count of 240 already includes the dressing, and veggies alone barely have any calories and provide the most volume and nutrition.
Worst: Chicken Tortilla Soup (Bowl)
A bowl of chicken tortilla soup alone has more than 1,000 calories, which is over half of the recommended daily caloric intake for an adult. Plus, it contains 300 milligrams of cholesterol, which already maxes out your recommended daily cholesterol.
Best: Full Ahi Crunchy Salad
Though the full ahi crunchy salad has 1,450 milligrams of sodium, Burak thinks that it's still the best choice out of the entree salads with only 710 calories.