1 Whole Grain Hamburger un Mixed Fruit ondiments Milk hoice: hoco, Low-Fat or Skim 2 readed Mozzarella Sticks Garlic read/Marinara Sauce arrots Pears ondiments Milk hoice: hoco, Low -Fat or Skim 3 4 Roasted hicken Asian Rice orn Peaches Milk hoice: hoco, Low-Fat or Skim Pizza Slice Broccoli Applesauce Milk hoice: hoco, Low -Fat or Skim
Full Answer
All Yonkers Public Schools Children Receive FREE Breakfast and Lunch!
In July 2018, the District received notification from the NYSED Child Nutrition Program that the District was approved to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) which enables school districts to serve all children breakfast and lunch at no charge. The CEP is a three year program and must be renewed every three years.
Income Data Form
The Yonkers Public Schools District is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program. The CEP provision is directed toward schools with a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students. Under CEP All students receive a breakfast and lunch at no charge for the entire school year.
Formulario de Ingresos
Yonkers Public Schools está participando en el programa de Provisión de Elegibilidad de la Comunidad (CEP). Estamos en el 4th año de renovación del programa CEP. Todos los niño (a)s en las escuelas de Yonkers Public Schools podrán recibir desayuno y almuerzo sin costo alguno al estudiante.