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What food goes with Beaujolais Nouveau?
5 Best Beaujolais Nouveau PairingsGroundnut Stew. Beaujolais Nouveau's simple fruity qualities make a lively companion to the earthy peanut butter in this tasty African stew.Golden Mashed Potatoes with Morels and Baked Eggs. ... Hot-Smoked Salmon with Apple Slaw. ... Maple-Pepper Roasted Turkey. ... Mushroom-and-Ham Quiche.
What do you drink Beaujolais Nouveau with?
Beaujolais nouveau's food pairings are similar to those of other red wines. Cheeses, fruits, grilled chicken, roasted turkey, rack of lamb, and salmon, and shrimp all pair well with Beaujolais nouveau and will complement the wine's light and refreshing flavor.
Do you serve Beaujolais Nouveau chilled?
Serve It Chilled. The light body and fruit-forward profile of Beaujolais Nouveau – or any Gamay – lends itself to drinking with a slight chill. It's recommended that most red wines are drunk at cellar temperature, between 53-65°F (12-18°C).
Is Beaujolais Nouveau sweet or dry?
sweetThis wine is best within two to three months after being bottled. Beaujolais Nouveau is sweet and simple. It's considered the "Shirley Temple" of wine. Beaujolais can be high in alcohol because of chaptalization, which is the addition of sugar to bring body and warmth to the grapes.
What meat goes with Beaujolais?
chickenBeaujolais' fruitiness matches well with sweet and savory flavours, but especially with white meats like chicken and turkey. Beaujolais Nouveau is also known as the perfect Thanksgiving wine.
What cheese goes with Beaujolais?
Here are the Best Beaujolais Cheese Pairings.Feta. Beaujolais bright red variety is perfect to match feta's saltiness.Camembert. This is a French cheese that is a moist, soft & creamy. ... Brie. This soft, creamy French cheese that is best served very fresh. ... Edam. ... Munster. ... Swiss. ... Mild Cheddar.
What is special about Beaujolais Nouveau?
Beaujolais nouveau is intended for immediate drinking. It has been described as “wine of this vintage, fresh as the memory of harvest and raw as the experience of the year, unpolished by time, a reflection of the emotion of the moment.” In this same spirit, nouveau is intended to be consumed within a few months.
Does Beaujolais need to breathe?
Most wines in fact, don't need aeration as much as people think. The following reds, as noble and wonderful as they are, do not need fancy decanters: Light-bodied, naturally less tannic reds such as: Pinot Noir, Burgundy, Beaujolais, and Cotes du Rhone, lighter Zinfandels, and lighter-bodied Chiantis, and Dolcettos.
What is the shelf life of Beaujolais Nouveau?
Enjoy your glass of Beaujolais Nouveau's fruit flavors within six months or a year of its bottling. If you're lucky, you can even store a good and rare vintage for over 2 to 3 years.
Is Beaujolais similar to Pinot Noir?
Gamay, found most notably in Beaujolais, is a light-bodied red wine that's similar in taste to Pinot Noir. In fact, this variety is a cousin of Pinot Noir and it grows primarily next to Burgundy, France (Pinot motherland) in a region called Beaujolais.
Is Beaujolais a dessert wine?
Traditional red Beaujolais Nouveau is not a sweet wine. Since Beaujolais Nouveau contains 100 % Gamay black grapes, it tastes fruitier and more jammy than the regular dry red wine. On the flip side, red and rose sparkling Beaujolais, easily available in France, is sweet in taste.
What is the difference between Beaujolais and Beaujolais Nouveau?
Basic Beaujolais can come from anywhere within the Beaujolais region and blended into a single wine, which accounts for 56% of the total production of the region. Beaujolais Nouveau accounts for a significant percentage of Beaujolais production and must be fermented quickly and released the same year as the vintage.
What is Beaujolais Nouveau?
Beaujolais Nouveau is a classic Thanksgiving wine for a reason. Its tart, refreshing flavors work well with both the sweet and savory tastes found in holiday menus. 5. Mushroom-and-Ham Quiche. Bright and fruity Beaujolais is a lively contrast to the nuttiness of the Gruyère in this quiche.
What are some good recipes for Beaujolais Nouveau?
1. Groundnut Stew. Beaujolais Nouveau’s simple fruity qualities make a lively companion to the earthy peanut butter in this tasty African stew. 2. Golden Mashed Potatoes with Morels and Baked Eggs. By themselves, eggs don't particularly complement wine, but this mushroom-and-onion-rich recipe is more than wine-friendly.
Winemaker Notes
An intense, brilliant cherry colour with purplish tints. Complex nose with red and black berry aromas. A smooth wine with fine tannins, harmonious and complete.
Georges Duboeuf
For over 40 years Georges Duboeuf has been the Beaujolais region's most renowned négociant and is today regarded in the wine world as the "King of Beaujolais." Born in 1933 in Pouilly-Fuissé, the son of a winegrower, Georges began selling his family's wines from the back of his bicycle to now-legendary local chefs such as Paul Bocuse and Paul Blanc.
Beaujolais Wine
The bucolic region often identified as the southern part of Burgundy, Beaujolais actually doesn’t have a whole lot in common with the rest of the region in terms of climate, soil types and grape varieties. Beaujolais achieves its own identity with variations on style of one grape, Gamay.
Gamay Wine
Delightfully playful, but also capable of impressive gravitas, Gamay is responsible for juicy, berry-packed wines. From Beaujolais, Gamay generally has three classes: Beaujolais Nouveau, a decidedly young, fruit-driven wine, Beaujolais Villages and Cru Beaujolais.
2 – What is Le Beaujolais Nouveau?
Le Beaujolais Nouveau est un vin rouge fait à partir de raisins Gamay de la région du Beaujolais. Alors que la plupart des vins rouges s’améliorent avec l’âge, le Beaujolais Nouveau se boit jeune: il est supposé être bu dans l’année.
3 – When Is the Beaujolais Nouveau Released?
Sa sortie est règlementée: le Beaujolais Nouveau inonde le marché à partir de minuit une, le troisième jeudi de novembre, quelques semaines seulement après que les raisins du vin ont été récoltés. La fermentation est si courte que le vin est souvent très fruité et léger.
4 – Where Can You Buy Beaujolais Nouveau?
Près de la moitié des 70 millions de bouteilles est exportée à l’étranger, principalement vers le Japon, l’Allemagne et les Etats-Unis. Aux US, la marque Duboeuf est très connue pour ce vin, et souvent les organisations françaises et les restaurants français à l’étranger organise une fête à l’occasion de la sortie du Beaujolais Nouveau.
5 – Do the French Really Drink Beaujolais Nouveau?
Chaque année, Olivier et moi dégustons nos premières bouteilles de Beaujolais Nouveau à Thanksgiving – Thanksgiving n’est pas du tout une fête française, mais comme nous sommes aussi Américains, nous célébrons Thanksgiving.
6 – Is Beaujolais Nouveau A Good French Wine?
Il faut dire que la qualité des Beaujolais Nouveaux varie fortement d’année en année: certaines années sont buvables, d’autres terribles… Dans tous les cas, Le Beaujolais Nouveau reste un vin de table léger, que l’on boit pendant un repas quotidien, dans un bistro de façon décontractée ou juste pour le goûter cette-année-là… Ce n’est pas un vin qui a la prétention d’être un très bon vin, et surtout, comme je l’ai déjà dit, ce n’est pas un vin qui se garde..