bgsu whats on the menu

by Aditya Shanahan Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I get a meal plan at BGSU?

Meal plans are available to anyone wishing to eat in the dining facilities on campus, including the Bowling Green community. The Office of Residence Life provides this information for BGSU Dining Services. You should always defer to the dining website for official dining rates and information. We may not have their latest updates.

Can I eat at the bowling green dining facilities?

Meal plans are available to anyone wishing to eat in the dining facilities on campus, including the Bowling Green community. The Office of Residence Life provides this information for BGSU Dining Services.

Where can I live in the summer at BGSU?

Summer housing in Falcon Heights is available on campus for students during the sessions in which they are enrolled in summer classes. Meal plans are optional in the summer; if you are interested in having a meal plan, please contact BGSU Dining at 419-372-7933 for options and rates.


How many meals can you plan at Falcon School?

Students can plan five to ten meals at the all-you-care-to-eat facilities each week, dependent upon the level chosen. Falcon Dollars are also included in each plan that can be used for additional meals or snacking.

Why are tuition guarantee meals adjusted?

The swipes have been adjusted because two weeks were removed from the academic calendar due to the Winter Session. As a result, students have less time to use their meal swipes, so we adjusted the meal swipes to reduce the meals lost to forfeiture.

What do you need to know when you live on campus?

When you live on campus, you get the added convenience of dining facilities being steps away from your “front door”. When you live on campus, you must select a meal plan. First-year students can choose a Custom plan and returning resident students can choose between a Custom plan, Traditional All You Care To Eat plan and Retail plan.

How to contact BGSU Dining?

For questions regarding the meal plan options or how the plans work, please call 419-372-7933. The Office of Residence Life provides this information as a resource, to get the most up-to-date information, please visit the BGSU Dining website. FIND YOUR MEAL PLAN RATES.

What is the phone number for BGSU Dining?

Meal plans are optional in the summer; if you are interested in having a meal plan, please contact BGSU Dining at 419-372-7933 for options and rates. Learn More & Register. *If you are registered for a University class outside of the scheduled sessions, please contact our office for arrangements.

Is room and board included in Falcon Tuition Guarantee?

Because room and board is included in Falcon Tuition Guarantee, students who attend BGSU for the first time during the Fall 2019, Spring 2020 or Summer 2020 semesters for the first time, will be assessed the 2019-2020 room rates for four academic year periods.

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