Q) Does Captain Jay's Fish & Chicken (10257 S Telegraph Rd) deliver?
Yes, Captain Jay's Fish & Chicken (10257 S Telegraph Rd) delivery is available on Seamless.
Q) Does Captain Jay's Fish & Chicken (10257 S Telegraph Rd) offer contact-free delivery?
Yes, Captain Jay's Fish & Chicken (10257 S Telegraph Rd) provides contact-free delivery with Seamless.
Q) Is Captain Jay's Fish & Chicken (10257 S Telegraph Rd) eligible for Seamless+ free delivery?
Yes, Seamless offers free delivery for Captain Jay's Fish & Chicken (10257 S Telegraph Rd) with a Seamless+ membership.
Where is Captain Jay's?
Captain Jay’s began in Detroit, Michigan and has quickly gained recognition and popularity for its Cajun chicken recipe, zesty fries, fresh seafood and shrimp in addition to their home-styled sides like Mac & Cheese, and okra.
What is Captain Jay's based on?
Captain Jay’s is based on the American concepts of the pursuit of happiness, hard work and integrity. Bringing together the delicious southern Cajun recipes, the crisp west coast’s freshness and quality, the swift east coast’s speed and efficiency, and the pure mid-west’s heart and amicability is what distinguishes Captain Jay’s from any other ...
Is Captain Jay's a fast food chain?
Captain Jay’ s is not a fast-food chain, it is a one stop shop where you can swing by and buy dinner for your family and pick up a gallon of milk or carton of eggs. It’s perfect and convenient for you! Captain Jay’s is based on the American concepts of the pursuit of happiness, hard work and integrity. Bringing together the delicious southern Cajun ...