Caring Nature Cannabis Dispensary located at 237 E Aurora St in Waterbury is open to help patients get access and shop for medical marijuana products.
What People Are Saying
It’s close and convenient which is a plus. But they run out of stuff you want. Then offer a lesser product at almost...
NLP Coaching For Self Growth And Self Development
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic programming, developed in the late 70’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinde. It all started with a very simple yet powerful question: Why do some people get results and others don’t? In our society, there is an idea that if you learn or master particular things, you should be able […]
How does online hypnotherapy work?
Demyth Online Hypnotherapy: What You Don’t Know About In today’s world, a hypnotherapy session online has become a popular healing tool. However, it also comes with numerous misconceptions and myths. The most common being – a hypnotherapy session online can never be as good and productive as a face-to-face session. This, in my experience, is […]
Is Online Yoga Teacher Training The New Paradigm?
Yoga teacher training can be a big investment in time, energy, and dedication. After all, 200 hours worth of training is not something that anyone can just get on with. However, online education has evolved to a whole new level and you are starting to get accustomed to learning many things online, including […]
The benefits that you never know about bringing yoga and hypnosis together
Yoganosis: the benefits that you never know about bringing yoga and hypnosis together What is Yoganosis? It is a new and very exciting therapy – yoga used in combination with hypnosis. It’s the combination of yoga concepts, postures and breathwork used together with hypnosis to bring about powerful changes in your life. So […]
Why Online Yoga is Important
There is a famous say “ Practice makes you perfect “ . During this pandemic situation where our activities are restricted a lot, specially group activities, in this situation joining group Yoga classes is not possible. Yes you can always have a private Yoga class in person, absolutely one on one but it might be […]
Online hypnotherapy, online coaching, online Yoga therapy, online energy healing: more practical and realistic than ever
You’re used to meeting with a therapist, coach or healer in person. You think that seeing a person in the same space feels real, more true, brings a better experience, gets more effective results, etc. You don’t believe that meeting online can resolve your issues. Then the pandemic hit globally and without any choice, you […]
Physicians whom certify patients must
Possess an active Connecticut medical license issued by the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
Physician Links
Caring Nature wants to help inform our patients of the many businesses and programs throughout Greater Waterbury that are dedicated to wellness and holistic well-being. Our intentions are to promote good health through fitness and proper diet, and help create awareness of the products and services available in our community.