When was Cedar Run Inn built?
Built in 1891 , Cedar Run Inn contains many original antiques and features like the tin ceilings that have been retained throughout the years.
Where is Cedar Run in Pennsylvania?
Located in the small picture postcard village of Cedar Run along the banks of crystal clear Pine Creek - here in the heart of the Grand Canyon of Penns ylvania - our inn offers a slower pace of life. Built in 1891, Cedar Run Inn contains many original antiques ...
Our Fresh Menu
Only available when ordered in advance by phone and approved by the kitchen.
Delicious and out of the ordinary. Boneless chicken breast, sweet raisins, carrots and savory spices with a light olive oil, garlic and sherry sauce.
Our “Family size” Salad bowl is great for up to 4 people. Our “Party size” Salad Bowl is perfect as a potluck contribution or dinner for 8 -10 people. All salads come with our homemade balsamic dressing unless otherwise noted.
Appetizer Platters
45 Skewered grape tomatoes with fresh basil and mozzarella drizzled with balsamic glaze or fresh pesto.