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Chili's is an American restaurant with a casual dining atmosphere founded by Larry Lavine in 1975. There are several Chili's across the United States, and their motive has always been to put their customers first and make them feel at home.
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Chilis Menu Prices. The Chili's menu prices are updated for 2021. Prices and availability of menu items can vary from location to location. Chili's Grill & Bar is an American Tex-Mex-style casual dining restaurant chain. Chil's was founded by Larry Lavine in Texas in 1975. Th company is owned and operated by Brinker International.
What time does Chili's close on Sunday?
What time does Chili’s close on Sunday? Chili’s closes at 10:30 p.m. on Sundays. You can always verify based on your location before you visit the restaurant.
Who is the founder of Chili's?
Chili’s is an American restaurant with a casual dining atmosphere founded by Larry Lavine in 1975. There are several Chili’s across the United States, and their motive has always been to put their customers first and make them feel at home. Their menu consists of sandwiches, delicious appetizers, fajitas, chicken, seafood, tacos, and so much more. Customers who visit Chili’s will enjoy their delicious, freshly prepared meals and receive excellent customer service.