Where can I find school lunches and summer meal locations?
Search for School Lunch by Nutrislice in the Apple App Store or Google Play. Summer Meal Locations and menus can also be found on Nutrislice site or you can text FOOD to 877877.
How do I pay for school food services for my child?
School food services will be provided daily for breakfast and lunch. Lunch/milk money should be placed in an envelope with child's name, teacher's name and grade, amount of money enclosed and days being paid for (Mon., Tues., Thurs., etc.) Please make checks payable to School Food Service.
What are the components of a school lunch?
A school lunch includes five food components: 1 Meat/Meat alternative 2 Fruit 3 Vegetable 4 Grains 5 Milk
What is the purpose of school meals?
Our focus is to aid student learning by educating and serving meals that reinforce lifelong healthy lifestyles. We encourage our students to POWER-UP with school breakfast and school lunch which provides students the energy they need to learn and grow.

Mandated Reporting
State law and Washington County Public Schools (WCPS) policy and regulation require that all WCPS employees immediately make a report to the Washington County Department of Social Services if they suspect that a student has been the victim of abuse (physical abuse, mental injury, sexual abuse, human trafficking or neglect).
Title IX Coordinator
Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or sexual harassment), to the Title IX coordinator.
What to eat for lunch in school?
Here are just a few menu items that make school breakfasts and lunches healthy and nutritious: 1 whole-grain rolls, biscuits, buns and pizza crust 2 cupped fruit in natural or extra-light syrup 3 reduced-fat dressings 4 baked fries (no frying at all in elementary or middle schools) 5 whole-grain breading on chicken and nuggets 6 100% beef and reduced-fat burgers 7 low-fat and fat-free milk 8 vegetarian choice every day
What are some healthy school lunches?
Here are just a few menu items that make school breakfasts and lunches healthy and nutritious: whole-grain rolls, biscuits, buns and pizza crust. cupped fruit in natural or extra-light syrup. reduced-fat dressings.
What is MySchoolBucks?
MySchoolBucks is the premier online payment service trusted by more than 3.7 million parents at over 23,000 schools. You’ll enjoy faster checkout, a better mobile experience, easier account management, and more automatic payment options.
Does Chesterfield County have a healthy lunch?
Chesterfield County Public Schools provides nutritious breakfasts and lunches, offering milk, fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains and meeting strict limits on saturated fat and portion size. The nutritional integrity of school meals has always been a priority, and the school system is meeting the challenges set forth in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. School lunches must meet tough federal standards that require
When school is out, meals are in?
When school is out, meals are in. The MCPSS Child Nutrition Department offers one of the largest summer feeding programs in the state of Alabama. Meals are provided to all children 18 years and under at no cost. Registration is not required to receive meals.
What are the USDA guidelines for eating?
All of our meals must meet the new USDA Nutrition Standards, which require the following: 1 Fat free and 1% milk choices 2 More whole grains 3 Larger portions on fruit servings at breakfast and lunch 4 Larger portions on vegetable servings and specific vegetable types that must be served (dark green, red/orange, beans/peas, etc.) 5 Less portions of meat 6 Age appropriate calorie limits 7 Less sodium 8 Less saturated fat
What are the goals of child nutrition?
Goals of Child Nutrition: Serve nutritionally adequate, appealing and healthy meals. Help children grow socially and emotionally. Extend educational influences to the homes of school children. Improve children’s food habits with the ultimate goal of developing healthy adults.
How many days can a student eat without paying?
Students will be allowed to eat as many as three days per year without paying before a written notice is sent to parents. On the third day a written notice will be sent to the parents, via the student, requesting payment.
What happens if my child doesn't bring lunch money?
If your child does not bring lunch money, it is the responsibility of the parent to send a lunch with the child. In case of forgotten bag lunches, the child will not be allowed to call home. School lunch will be provided and parents will be billed by the cafeteria.
Do you have to pay for lunch in advance?
Lunch for the entire week should be paid for on Monday, however, you may pay monthly in advance.
Can you combine lunch money with other school fees?
Do not combine lunch money with any other school fee or payment. All lunch money is paid to the lunchroom manager in the cafeteria before school. No money will be accepted in the lunch line. The lunchroom manager may be contacted at 641-2588. Prices are subject to change.