crackin kitchen menu

by Demarco Bradtke Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Chowder Fries

A hearty helping of chowder drenched mashed and fried potatoes, topped with bacon and cheddar. Add fried egg for an additional charge

Salads and Soups

Mixed green salad served with sweet onion, tomatoes, bacon bits, and vinaigrette dressing. Add grilled chicken and grilled shrimp for an additional charge

Hawaiian Cajun

Choice of 2 sauces. Add sides for an additional charge. Choose a spice level: Mild, Hot, XXX, Ghost + $8. Choose a first sauce: Red Crackin Kitchen Cajun, Black Hawaiian Cacao and Cracked Black Pepper, White Maui Onion Based. Choose a second sauce: Red Crackin Kitchen Cajun, Black Hawaiian Cacao and Cracked Black Pepper, White Maui Onion Based

The Crackin' Kitchen Experience

Aloha!隆重介紹洋溢濃厚夏威夷風情的夏威夷 – 卡郡美食。我們提供各種採用當地天然食材的招牌料理,讓您享受一場感官的盛宴。我們美食的靈魂在於其醬料,採用夏威夷當地種植的香料,如可可豆、辣椒、洋蔥和生薑。每道料理都是Takeshi Omae主廚的靈感泉湧之作,口口皆能品嘗到鮮美的異國風味。我們提供美好的家庭歡聚氛圍,嘗試手抓美食, 與親友共享食物、飲料,一起歡度美好時光,感受CRACKIN’ KITCHEN的獨特體驗。

第4步 加點

Takeshi Omae主廚的創意靈感之作,Crackin’ Kitchen引進甜點藝術新概念。以當地生產的水果和夏威夷Malasadas(葡式甜甜圈)為特色,這道當地點心的歷史可追溯至1878年。可口異國風味的融合,形成與夏威夷經典美食交流的美味體驗,帶領您進入令人驚喜的Aloha甜點天地!

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