Do a la carte meals still apply?
Posted prices for a la carte items will still apply for students that qualify for free and reduced price meals. Families should complete meal applications regardless of any updated costs to meal programs as the status of the application has benefits beyond the meal program, such as free or reduced school fees.
Do D65 families have to apply for free meals?
All D65 families who think they might be eligible are encouraged to apply. Free and reduced price meal benefits are only valid for the school year listed on the top of the application; all families must complete a new application each school year.
AVID for Rising 6th Graders
District 65 offers the AVID program as an advisory elective option for sixth graders in the fall for Chute, Haven, and Nichols Middle Schools. AVID focuses on preparing students for academic success in high school with an eye on executive functioning, reading, writing, and communications skills.
Student Assignment Planning Update & Scenarios
Our Student Assignment Planning (SAP) process led by Sarita Smith, Director of Student Assignments, in collaboration with our community-based SAP Committee is moving full steam ahead with the goal of presenting recommendations to the School Board at the March 14 Regular Board Meeting.
College Financial Planning for Middle School Families
All D65 middle school families are invited to attend a free virtual presentation on College Financial Planning on Thursday, February 24, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. There will be one presentation in English and a separate presentation in Spanish.
Alternate COVID-19 Testing Options
When there are unexpected or planned school closures (such as an E-Learning Day or non-attendance day), SHIELD is unable to reschedule testing for students and staff on another date. While testing will resume the following week, our team has been working to identify alternate options.
Update: Outdoor Masking Requirement
We have made the decision, in consultation with our medical advisors and local health department, to lift outdoor masking requirements for the time being. This will go into effect on February 14, 2022.
2021-22 Monthly Menus
There is a new way to view the 2021-22 monthly menus. Follow the directions below to access the monthly menus online through FD Meal Planner!
Pay via MySchoolBucks
MySchoolBucks is the payment method in a transistion to cashless transactions. Students enter ID number on a keypad at the register to check out using their account.
Behavior at Lunch
For all grade levels, expectations for student behavior are the same during lunch as the remainder of the school day. (Please see "Behavior at Lunch" within the annual District 64 Student-Parent Handbook .)