dean and deluca catering menu

by Dr. Dave Bogisich Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago


It was 1977 and the area south of Manhattan's Houston Street was still mostly a grimy warren of warehouse and small manufacturing companies. In a retail space at 121 Prince Street, near the corner of Greene, two men were about to start a revolution.


Our 25 years old starter began its life in France, made from organic grapes, water, and biodynamic flour. It is a natural living organism that needs proper care and daily feeding. We use a natural fermentation process similar to that of wine and cheese-making. It takes at least 48 hours to make each handcrafted loaf and pizza dough.


In the mood for good coffee, sumptuous pastries, and indulgent pastas? Enjoy all of these at Dean & DeLuca, where the organic and freshest ingredients are combined for one auspicious meal.

Basic Package & Menu

Take a look at Deewan Banquet's basic event catering package and menu. Included are specific meal choices along with the services and extras offered.

American Package & Menu

Take a look at Deewan Banquet's gourmet American menu. Included are specific meal choices along with the services and extras offered.

Tray Pricing & Info

Take a look at Deewan Banquet's tray pricing and information. Here are specific details and info on our food packages.

Indian & Chinese Menu

Take a look at Deewan Banquet's Indian and Chinese food menu. Included are specific meal choices along with the services and extras offered.

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