dieta atkins menú

by Marilyne Stokes Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The Atkins Diet consists mainly of high-protein foods including:

  • Meat: poultry, beef, pork, and others
  • Dairy: milk, cream, butter, full-fat yogurt
  • Eggs and fish
  • Low-carb vegetables and fruit such as kale, broccoli, and berries

Full Answer

What is the Atkins diet?

The Atkins diet was created in 1972 by Dr. Robert Atkins. The Atkins Diet is a plan for monitoring the amount of carbohydrates and protein that are eaten every day, with the purpose of reducing body fat and increasing energy. How Does the Atkins Diet Work?

Can you eat eggs on the Atkins diet?

The beginning weeks of the Atkins diet includes foods such as seafood, poultry and red meat. The diet encourages eating eggs prepared in any style, as well as some types of cheese.

What is the best breakfast to eat on an Atkins diet?

Breakfast: Omelet can be a great way to start your day and.. when it’s Atkins menu, you can ever go wrong with this. For your first day cook up omelets with lots of fresh veggies, a dash of spices and a little cheese. Cook the omelet in low fat butter or coconut oil.


How much weight can I lose on Atkins in a month?

Actual Weight Loss Atkins even explains in his book "Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution" that you are more likely to lose about 10 to 14 lbs. during the first month on the diet. Of course, the amount of weight you lose depends on many factors.

How long do you stay on Atkins Phase 1?

2 weeksThe Atkins diet is split into 4 different phases: Phase 1 (induction): Under 20 grams of carbs per day for 2 weeks. Eat high-fat, high-protein, with low carb vegetables like leafy greens. This kick-starts the weight loss.

What foods do you eat on the Atkins diet?

A person will eat fruits, vegetables, whole grain, low-fat dairy foods, poultry, fish, nuts, and beans, but they will limit their intake of red meat, fat, sugar, and salt....Foods should be:low in saturated and trans in fiber, protein, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.low in sodium.

Is Atkins easier than keto?

Your weight loss goals, overall health, and dietary preferences should all be taken into account when choosing the best eating pattern for yourself. Atkins is less restrictive than keto. Additionally, the long-term effects of the keto diet are not well known.

How much weight can I lose in 2 weeks on Atkins?

In the first two weeks of the first phase of your Atkins diet, you could lose anywhere between 6 and 15 pounds. You could lose up to 3 pounds each week in the following weeks as your carbs restrictions loosen.

What fruit can I eat on Atkins?

Atkins Approved Summer Produce: Fruits & VegetablesAvocados. Not only are these approved for each phase of the program, but they are often considered a super food! ... Bell Peppers. ... Cucumbers. ... Cherries. ... Cantaloupe. ... Green Beans. ... Strawberries.

Is cheese OK on Atkins diet?

Do not eat fruit, bread, pasta, grains, starchy vegetables, or dairy products other than cheese, cream or butter. And do not eat nuts or seeds in the first two weeks. Foods that combine protein and carbohydrates, such as chickpeas, kidney beans, and other legumes are also not permitted at this time.

What can't you eat on Atkins?

Foods to avoid on The Atkins Diet include:Foods with added sugars such as processed cookies, cake, candy, pastries, and soft drinks.Simple carbohydrates such as in juices, breads, cereals, and dried fruit.Starchy foods such as simple carbs like bread, pasta, and rice as well as potatoes, French fries, chips, and corn.

Why is Atkins diet bad?

Has side effects: Eating a very low-carb diet like Atkins can cause electrolyte imbalances, constipation, dangerously low blood sugar and kidney problems. Promotes processed foods: The Atkins diet sells and promotes bars, shakes and ready-made meals that help people stick with the plan.

Can I have popcorn on keto?

Back to the snack in question: The answer is yes, you can eat popcorn on a keto diet — but there are a few things to keep in mind. Once you figure out how many daily carbs your body can take in to remain in ketosis, you can divvy up your allotment however you like, but popcorn can easily fit in a ketogenic eating plan.

Can you drink alcohol on keto?

The Bottom Line. Even on a keto diet, there are plenty of low-carb alcoholic beverages to choose from. Wine, light beer and pure forms of alcohol — such as whiskey, rum and gin — offer few or zero carbs per serving and are easily paired with low-carb mixers like seltzer, diet soda or sugar-free tonic water.

How many carbs can you eat on Atkins?

You eat only 20 grams of Net Carbs daily. That's significantly less than the FDA recommendation of 300 grams of carbohydrates daily. The goal of phase 1 is to rev up your body's ability to burn fat. And because you lose the most weight during this phase, it is designed to motivate you to stick with the diet.

What is the Atkins diet?

The Atkins diet menu consists of foods that have less carbohydrates, but more protein and fiber. The body can focus on burning fat instead of carbohydrate calories. You can eat specific amounts of carbohydrates, fats, protein, and fiber in order to maximize the body’s potential for fat burning.

What are the final phases of the Atkins diet?

This includes limited amounts of bread, rice, and starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and squash. At this point in the diet, the body should be maintaining a level of fat burning, which allows for more carbohydrate consumption.

When was the Atkins diet created?

Those looking for a method of weight control can follow the Atkins diet menu for a variety of foods to eat while losing weight. The Atkins diet was created in 1972 by Dr. Robert Atkins. The Atkins Diet is a plan for monitoring the amount of carbohydrates and protein that are eaten every day, with the purpose of reducing body fat and increasing energy.

Does the Atkins diet include alcohol?

The Atkins diet menu also allows for fats, such as butter and oil, to be included for seasoning and taste. No alcohol is allowed at all during the first stage of the Atkins diet.

Qué es la dieta Atkins

Sin entrar mucho en detalles, la dieta Atkins fue desarrollada en la década de 1970 por el cardiólogo Robert C. Atkins. Esta dieta consiste principalmente en restringir en gran medida los hidratos de carbono, a la vez que aumentamos la ingesta de grasas y proteínas.

Guía de alimentos de la dieta Atkins

Como podrás intuir, los alimentos que incluye la dieta Atkins son todos aquellos que sean altos en proteínas y/o grasas y bajos en hidratos de carbono.

Cómo planificar nuestra dieta Atkins

Si un nutricionista competente analiza tu problema y finalmente se decanta por asignarte una dieta Atkins, podrías seguir un menú como el siguiente (teniendo en cuenta que las cantidades son relativas y dependen de las necesidades individuales de cada persona).


Aunque la dieta Atkins puede resultar positiva para corregir ciertos problemas como la obesidad sin causar un efecto rebote, la decisión de comenzar a seguirla debería ser algo que no se tome a la ligera y a ser posible debería ser tomada por un nutricionista tras analizar los problemas secundarios que puede ocasionar en caso de que el paciente sea susceptible a sufrirlos..

Menú Completo de la Dieta Atkins

Algunos alimentos no deben ser consumidos en la primera y en la segunda fase de la dieta, pero pasan a ser permitidos en la fase de pre-mantenimiento.

1. Fase de Inducción

Como ya hemos visto, en esta etapa la cantidad de carbohidratos debe ser cercana a cero. Están liberados los alimentos con alto contenido de proteínas, como carnes y huevos, y unas pocas verduras y legumbres.

2. Fase de Pérdida de Peso Constante

Después de la fase inicial que permitía sólo 20 gramos de carbohidratos por día, usted entrará en la etapa de pérdida de peso constante, también conocida como la Fase 2 de la Dieta Atkins.

3. La Fase de Pre-Mantenimiento

Este es el momento de decir adiós a los últimos kilos y eliminar de una vez por todas el exceso de grasa. Al llegar a esta etapa, usted probablemente ha aprendido a controlar el apetito y también ha descubierto cuál es su tolerancia diaria de carbohidratos.

Un Menú Completo

Ahora que ya hemos visto cómo funciona la dieta Atkins y los alimentos permitidos en cada fase, vamos a conocer algunas de las sugerencias de un menú completo para la dieta de las proteínas.


Ahora que ya sabes cuáles son los alimentos permitidos en la Dieta Atkins, y también las opciones de un menú completo, véase 14 consejos para lograr alcanzar sus objetivos y adelgazar con la dieta de las proteínas:

Consideraciones finales

El hecho de que los alimentos sean permitidos no significa que ellos deban ser consumidos. Ya hemos visto que una sola tapioca de 100 gramos contiene casi el 90 gramos de carbohidratos, lo que puede ser equivalente a toda su necesidad diaria durante la fase de mantenimiento.

Alimentos permitidos

Ahora que ya conoces mejor algunos de los elementos básicos que te ayudarán a llevar a cabo esta dieta, es importante que sepas qué tipo de alimentos podrás incluir en tu menú diario.

Alimentos prohibidos

Vamos ahora a conocer todos los alimentos que NO puedes comer durante la dieta Atkins. Es importante que, si quieres bajar de peso y seguir las premisas de este método alimentario, lleves a cabo al pie de la letra estas “normas” diarias.

Riesgos de la dieta Atkins

La dieta Atkins también es una dieta disociada muy rápida por la eliminación de los carbohidratos. Pero nuevamente nos encontramos con una dieta desequilibrada.

Opiniones sobre esta dieta

Enhorabuena por el artículo, me ha parecido muy interesante… yo padecí sobrepeso y probé de todo. A cada uno le funcionan remedios distintos, y yo tuve suerte de encontrar esta dieta, que funcionó para mí. Logré adelgazar 8kg en un mes…

Dietistas y nutricionistas recomendados

Antes de empezar cualquier dieta te recomendamos que contactes con un profesional para que te asesore. Aquí te recomendamos algunos de los mejores profesionales con los que asesorarte:

Come funziona la Dieta Atkins: il programma per dimagrire con pochi carboidrati

La dieta Atkins è un regime alimentare che punta a soddisfare le richieste energetiche soprattutto con grassi e proteine piuttosto che con il consumo di carboidrati. E’ una dieta famosa perché fa dimagrire, secondo le dicerie molte star di Hollywood seguono la dieta Atkins, come Jennifer Aniston.

Dieta Atkins e la Lista degli alimenti Consigliati – il programma dietetico per dimagrire con pochi carboidrati

La dieta Atkins si articola in quattro fasi (induzione, continuazione della perdita di peso, pre-mantenimento e mantenimento) ci sono però alcune regole generali nel seguire correttamente questo programma dimagrante. Si tratta di un vero e proprio metodo per seguire la dieta di Atkins, i consigli alimentari sono i seguenti:

Dieta con MENU di esempio per ogni fase di Atkins – Dieta Atkins con Menu di esempio: il programma per dimagrire con pochi carboidrati

Dieta con MENU di esempio per ogni fase di Atkins – Nel corso della prima fase si rispettano alla lettera i dettami del programma, tenendo conto degli alimenti consigliati durante la prima fase. Esempio dieta Atkins in Fase di induzione consigliata da MyPersonalTrainer:

Effetti collaterali dieta Atkins

Possibili effetti collaterali della dieta Atkins sono: nausea, cefalea, affaticamento, costipazione, insonnia e colesterolo alto. E’ una dieta chetogenica, pone l’organismo inutilmente sotto stress.

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