What is an espresso espresso?
Espresso is made by forcing pressurized, hot water through very finely ground coffee beans. This process is called "pulling a shot.". Unlike most coffees, espressos have "crema," a flavorful, aromatic, reddish-brown froth made when air bubbles combine with fine-ground coffee's soluble oils.
What is a double espresso called?
Many shops choose to only offer double espressos (two shots, also called a doppio) for quality control issues. Other coffeehouses also offer single shots and lungos (long extractions). Regardless of the size, espressos are usually poured into a demitasse (a small, two- to four-ounce cup).
How do you order espresso with milk?
Use these terms to order your espresso with milk. Café au lait or café con leche : The phrases au lait ( oh LEY ) and con leche ( kon LECH-ey) mean "with milk" in French and Spanish (respectively). These drinks are variations on the Italian caffé latte. The milk remains in the same two-to-one ratio.
What is the difference between espresso and cappuccino?
Many in the American market have adapted this recipe, incorporating more steamed and frothed milk, while keeping the espresso quantities the same unless otherwise specified. The foam that tops a cappuccino acts as a natural insulator, keeping the drink warmer longer.

What is an espresso no 22?
22 is a beautifully layered beverage with fresh espresso shots, pure cane syrup and ice, topped with half & half.
Whats in an espresso no 22 at ccs?
Two shots of our CC's espresso, fresh cream, and real cane sugar! Super grande peppermint, vanilla and white chocolate mochasippi with whip, works and extra shot.
What does CC mean coffee?
Community CoffeeCommunity Coffee is a coffee roaster and distributor based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States. As of 2005, it was the largest family-owned coffee brand in the United States, controlling 52% of the market in South Louisiana and 72% in Baton Rouge, and employing 850 people.
What's in a turtle Mochasippi?
We added rich and creamy dark chocolate sauce, caramel drizzle and hazelnut flavors to our signature frozen beverage. Topped with whipped cream and a chocolate and caramel drizzle. Contains Milk, Peanuts (peanut oil) and Tree Nuts.
Why do shops only have two espressos?
Many shops choose to only offer double espressos (two shots, also called a doppio) for quality control issues.
What is crema in espresso?
Unlike most coffees, espressos have crema, a flavorful and aromatic reddish-brown froth made when air bubbles combine with fine-ground coffee's soluble oils. The strong presence of crema indicates a quality well-ground coffee and a skilled barista (professional coffee maker).
What Is a Caffé Latte?
A general definition of this popular drink is a double espresso in the base of a preheated mug or cup, topped with steamed milk to fill and garnished with froth or latte art.
What Is a Cappuccino?
A traditional Italian cappuccino ( KAH-poo-CHEE-noh) is a single espresso shot topped with equal parts steamed and frothed milk (in a ratio of one-to-one-to-one). It is served in a four-to-six-ounce preheated bowl-shaped cup.
What is a macchiato?
Macchiato means "mark" or "stain.". In this case, the mark is a dollop of milk on top of the espresso. Latte macchiato: Also known as a "long macchiato," this drink is primarily made of steamed milk. A latte macchiato is milk "marked" with a half-shot (or less) of espresso.