Does Fager's Island have a dress code?
After 8 p.m., Fager's Island enforces a strict dress code. Athletic wear, sweatpants, cutoff shorts, baggy and torn clothing, men's tank tops, work boots and lewd clothing are not permitted.
Who owns Fagers Island?
owner John FagerAs Fager's Island plans to celebrate its 40th anniversary Tuesday, owner John Fager reflects on how much his "island" has evolved during the years. "The place has grown with Ocean City and has taken on a life of its own," he said, smiling.
How long has Fagers island been open?
Built off the ground on pilings, Fager's Island opened as a bar in 1975. It was a Key West-style bar -- open views of the bay, live plants and drinks made with natural ingredients -- built in just 90 days, he says. "It was a huge success from opening night," Mr. Fager says.