fairview school lunch menu

by Aleen Yost Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Lunch Schedule

Grade Lunch time
Kindergarten 12:50 - 12:25
First Grade 12:40 - 1:15
Second Grade 12:10 - 12:42
Third Grade 1:10 - 1:45
May 11 2022

Full Answer

School Nutrition Information

The Department of School Nutrition supports academic achievement by providing students with high quality, nutritious meals, with an emphasis on exceptional customer service and financial responsibility.

Community Eligibility Provision

The community eligibility provision allows schools with high numbers of low-income children to servefree breakfast and lunch to all studentswithout collecting school-meal-benefit applications.

Benefits of Community Eligibility

Ensures that all students can receive healthful school meals, regardless of income.

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

The department of school nutrition menus comply with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and meet all United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) meal-pattern requirements.

Locally Sourced, Sustainable Food Supply

The department continues to strive to provide locally sourced/sustainable foods from food/beverages grown and/or produced within a 200- to 250-mile radius around Milwaukee. The department is working to expand farm-to-school options for students and staff.

Come to the Table

Parents, grandparents and guardians are welcome to participate in school-meal programs by joining children at breakfast and/or lunch. All visitors – including siblings not yet enrolled in school – must pay the cost of an adult-meal, which is $3.75 plus 40 cents for milk.


Due to the nationwide food supply chain disruptions previously mentioned, our middle school and high school menus are changing frequently. Students can view their school’s menu in the cafeteria each day.

More Information

Find more information about our lunch and breakfast services by visiting the Child Nutrition page of the district website, or by calling 360-662-1090.

Lunch A La Cart Items

These are available to supplement student lunches. Students must have a school lunch or home lunch to purchase an a la carte item.

How to Pay for Lunch

Online--- (link is external) . The service has a $1.95 fee per transaction. The balance can be checked by computer or phone. Mobile apps are available. This service is quick, easy, and private!

Free or Reduced Meals

FCPS Food and Nutrition Services Office directly mails application forms to every family in August. Parents must complete the form EACH YEAR to renew this program. Translated copies are available in the school office.

Join Your Child for Lunch

We welcome parents and younger siblings to eat lunch with your child in the cafeteria. No advance notice is needed; just check in at the office and meet your child’s class in the cafeteria.


School Nutrition Information

  • The Department of School Nutritionsupports academic achievement by providing students with high quality, nutritious meals, with an emphasis on exceptional customer service and financial responsibility. School Nutrition Programs/Menus: 1. Breakfast in the Cafeteria 2. Breakfast in the Classroom 3. Lunch 4. Dinner 5. Head Start Meals 6. After-School ...
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Community Eligibility Provision

  • The community eligibility provision allows schools with high numbers of low-income children to servefree breakfast and lunch to all studentswithout collecting school-meal-benefit applications. This option increases participation in school-meal programs, which in turn boosts academic performance because well-fed students are better prepared to learn.
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Benefits of Community Eligibility

  1. Ensures that all students can receive healthful school meals, regardless of income.
  2. Minimizes the time students spend in line and maximizes the time they spend eating.
  3. Reduces paperwork.
  4. Establishes a pre-payment option for a la carte, second (student) and adult meals.
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Meal Counts

  • During the 2013-2014 school year, the department served a total of: 1. 8,986,910 lunches 2. 5,439,123 breakfasts 3. 478,605 dinners 4. 469,564 after-school snacks
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Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

  • The department of school nutrition menus comply with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and meet all United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) meal-pattern requirements. As such, schools serve low-fat or fat-free dairy products, lean meats/meat alternatives, more fresh fruits, fresh veggies and a variety of tasty dry beans and peas (legumes). Moreover, bakery items cont…
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Locally Sourced, Sustainable Food Supply

  • The department continues to strive to provide locally sourced/sustainable foods from food/beverages grown and/or produced within a 200- to 250-mile radius around Milwaukee. The department is working to expand farm-to-school options for students and staff. Across the country, an increasing number of schools and districts are sourcing more foods locally and provi…
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Come to The Table

  • Parents, grandparents and guardians are welcome to participate in school-meal programs by joining children at breakfast and/or lunch. All visitors – including siblings not yet enrolled in school – must pay the cost of an adult-meal, which is $3.75 plus 40 cents for milk. Call your child’s school for meal times and plan a school breakfast or lunch date with your child.
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