Welcome to Freedom Elementary School!
At FRES our mission is to provide all students with exceptional knowledge and skills, preparing them to achieve their highest potential in a safe, supportive environment.
Watch DOGS Sign Up
If you would like to volunteer as a Watch DOG this year, please use the link above to sign up for an open date.
Teacher Work Days
February 4th, February 22nd, and April 25th will be Teacher Work Days. No students will come to school on those days. Please call the office if you have any questions!
No School Monday and Tuesday
Just a reminder there is no school Monday, February 21st for Presidents Day and no school Tuesday, February 22nd for a teacher work day. School will resume Wednesday February 23rd.
Beauty and the Beast!
Tickets to Beauty and the Beast can be purchased at the link below. Thanks for supporting this amazing production!
Head Sweeper Position Available!
Freedom Elementary is looking for a new head sweeper! For more information and to apply, click the link below!
Teacher Work Days
February 4th, February 22nd, and April 25th will be Teacher Work Days. No students will come to school on those days. Please call the office if you have any questions!
Main Menu
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We are committed to feeding students of Weber School District high quality, fun, fresh, exciting foods that will help propel children in their studies.