What's Trending at GJPS
JOIN US for a Virtual PHASE TWO Community Update. Wednesday, October 20 at 6:30. See flyer for details.
5K to Support GEAR
Monster Dash 5K to scare up cash for Gahanna Employability Adult Readiness enhancements.
GLHS Marching Band Concert
The GLHS Marching Band was joined by members of the Alumni Band to perform an impromptu homecoming concert.
Lincoln Elementary Reading Garden
Students enjoy some fresh air and a good book in the Lincoln Elementary Reading Garden, funded through a GJEF Grant of Excellence.
Jefferson Township Approves Plans
Jefferson Township OKs Gahanna-Jefferson's Blacklick school additions, continues athletic complex.
Phase Two Fall 2021 Update
Please note: The LHS Design Survey mentioned in the video is open until midnight, Thursday, September 16, 2021.
School Hours
The elementary school day begins at 8:00 a.m. when students are expected to be in their classrooms. Students may enter the building as early as 7:50 a.m. The school day ends at 2:25 p.m. with the dismissal of walkers.
Daily Schedule
The elementary schools use a rotation of letters A through D, beginning with the first day of school and continuing each day school is in session. This letter day rotation allows shared specialists such as the guidance counselor and speech therapist and related arts classes to be scheduled in an equitable manner.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu & Cost Information
Breakfast is served daily from 7:30-8:00 a.m. and the cost is $1.50. Lunch times are assigned by grades and run from approximately 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The cost of a plate lunch is $2.75. Gahanna-Jefferson Schools are part of the Federal Lunch Program More information about free or reduced lunches is available.
Lincoln Elementary Newsletter
Communication of information is an integral part of the school's goal of staying connected to parents. School newsletters provide news about both curricular and extracurricular opportunities for students.
Lincoln Elementary School
By working together we will promote joyful learning to grow our minds and hearts so that we are all contributing members of the Lincoln community.
History of Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Elementary was built from 1956-7 and named after the high school located within a block of the elementary.
Masks Are Optional
Starting February 17, 2022, masks will be optional but encouraged in all PK-12 school buildings and offices.
Gahanna Grad Going to the Super Bowl
Former Gahanna Lincoln football player Jonathan Cooley is coaching for the Rams in the Super Bowl.
New Lincoln High School Floor Plan Walkthrough
Assistant Superintendent Jill Elliott walks through and describes the floor plan for the new Lincoln High School.