harford county public schools lunch menu

by Jaleel Bauch Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What extracurricular activities are offered at Harford County middle schools?

Harford County middle schools offer a wide and varied range of extracurricular and club related activities. These can include experiences in music, drama, fine arts, publications, and areas of student interest. All secondary schools maintain a website; you are encouraged to visit the site for specific school information.

How many middle schools are there in Harford County?

All nine middle schools offer comprehensive programs of study designed to meet state grade level and graduation requirements. Additional evening and summer courses are available through the Alternative Education Program . Harford County middle schools offer a wide and varied range of extracurricular and club related activities.

Who is the Senior Director of food services at Hartford schools?

Lonnie Burt, MS, RD, CD-N, Senior Director of Food Services: (860) 695-8490 Email: Read more about our award-winning Director of Food and Nutrition Services, Yolanda Burt, in this media advisory (pdf). This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

How did seven Harford County seniors receive scholarships?

Seven Harford County Public Schools seniors recently received $1,000 scholarships through the generosity of local businesses and private donors. The well-d... On May 23, Bel Air High School hosted the first in-person Sports for Life Corn Hole Tournament for 142 participating athletes. Thanks to Athletic Direct...


How to contact Harford County Public Schools?

If you are interested in providing meals at your establishment through the Summer Table Program please contact the Harford County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Office at (410) 638-4078. Staff there can easily determine your group’s eligibility for the Summer Table Program.

What age can you get summer meals in Harford County?

All Harford County students age 2 to 18 are eligible for Summer Meals. Children DO NOT have to be enrolled in the program serving the meals in order to receive a meal there. This is true for both the stationary sites and the mobile meals sites.

What is the number to apply for North Harford?

Families must present proof of North Harford area residency and income eligibility (could be FARM award letters from previous school year). Please call 410-452-9025 for details. Click here for the brochure and application.

What is HCPSS practice?

HCPSS practice is to ensure that no student goes hungry or is traumatized for lack of funds. If a student forgets their lunch money, a meal will be provided and a charge will be applied to their meal account. Meals will never be taken away when there are no funds or a negative balance in a student’s meal account. However, parents/guardians are solely responsible for providing their student (s) with money for meals, or packing a meal from home. Parents/guardians are also responsible for prompt payment of outstanding balances. Meal account balances may be viewed at any time by logging in to MySchoolBucks. The expectation is that all meal charges owed to HCPSS Food and Nutrition Services will be paid in full.

Does HCPSS pay for lunch?

Those eligible for reduced-price meals pay $0.10 for breakfast and $0.20 for lunch.

Does HCPSS provide free summer meals?

HCPSS will continue its free summer food service program to meet the growing need to feed hungry children and families in Howard County and fill the nutritional gap over the summer months. Grab-and-Go meals will be provided at no cost to HCPSS students and any children aged 18 and under.

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