hcg diet menu 500 calories

by Dr. Providenci Kris Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Full Answer

What foods are in the HCG diet?

What Can I Eat With the HCG Diet?

  • Protein. To follow the diet, you must eat 200 grams of protein twice daily. ...
  • Vegetables. The diet approves eating one cup of vegetables per meal for a total of two cups per day. ...
  • Fruit. This diet isn’t entirely without sweets. ...
  • Drinks. ...

What to eat on the HCG diet?

What can you eat on Phase 1 of HCG diet?

  • Rich dressings e.g. Hollandaise sauce, mayonnaise.
  • Fried meats e.g. chicken, pork.
  • Meats e.g. bacon, pork ribs, beef franks, hamburger, sausage.
  • Cheese, butter, cream cheese, heavy cream, milk shakes.
  • Avocados, guacamole, nuts.

How to start HCG diet?

  • You can choose to freeze (cryopreserve) the embryos for a future IVF embryo transfer. ...
  • You can choose to continue an embryo culture to see if the embryos develop to the blastocyst stage (early stage of embryonic development) and then have them cryopreserved. ...
  • You can choose to discard the embryos. ...

What is the best HCG diet?

This food list is intended to be eaten according to the original protocol’s 500 calorie menu:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea
  • Lunch: 1 protein: 100 grams/ 3.5 ounces of meats from the food list below. ...
  • Dinner: Same options as lunch.


What can I eat on HCG 500 calorie diet?

Simeons' first HCG diet protocol was based on two principles. First, it called for an intake of just 500 calories per day, spread between lunch and dinner, with unlimited amounts of water, coffee, and tea any time.

What foods can I eat on the HCG diet Phase 1?

Approved vegetables are:Asparagus.Beet greens.Broccoli.Cabbage.Cauliflower.Celery.Chard.Cucumber.More items...•

How can I speed up weight loss on HCG?

The rules of the hCG dietLoading phase. Start taking hCG and eat plenty of high fat, high calorie foods for 2 days.Weight loss phase. Continue taking hCG and eat only 500 calories per day for 3 to 6 weeks.Maintenance phase. Stop taking hCG. Gradually increase your food intake but avoid sugar and starch for 3 weeks.

Can I have butter on HCG diet?

Oil (even healthy cooking oils), butter and any type of dressing are not allowed under the diet. One thing the hCG diet has in common with many other eating regimens is that it doesn't recommend eating foods with added sugars. Among the food items not allowed under the hCG diet are cookies and chocolates.

What snacks can you eat on the HCG diet?

HCG Diet Maintenance Snack List:Trail Mix (Avoid ones with chocolate and dried fruits)Cottage Cheese with cinnamon/stevia mixture.Apple & Peanut Butter.Hard Boiled Eggs.Deviled Eggs.Almonds (nuts are cautionary for maintenance, introduce slowly)Grilled Chicken Strips.More items...

Can I eat banana on HCG diet?

ANY veggie but NO starchy peas, corn, potatoes, or beans. Should take it easy with carrots and beets too. 2 (two) servings of ANY fruits but NO bananas, pineapple or grapes!!! Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg brand is the best!)

What happens if you eat carbs on HCG diet?

After you eat, the carbs you consume get converted into glycogen and stored in your liver for easy fuel consumption later. Only after these easy-to-access stores are depleted does the body turn to fat stores. This is one of the reasons it's so important to eat very few carbs during the HCG diet.

Can I drink apple cider vinegar on HCG diet?

Apple cider vinegar can also be of service while on the HCG Diet! If you are on a stubborn plateau or want to try to maximize your daily loss, add 2 Tbsp of ACV to your daily regimen.

Why am I gaining weight on the HCG diet?

The impact of HCG on the brain controls the storage of fat and the fat metabolism. Once fat has been stored by the body, it is not easy to access for energy. As the fat accumulates, the result is weight gain. HCG injections enable to body to use the stored fat.

Can I have popcorn on HCG?

Member Recipes for Popcorn Phase 2 Hcg Diet Popcorn makes a great snack, but can be a little mundane. Chili, garlic, and cumin give this popcorn a kick! A healthy snack for your trick-or-treaters (and for you too!) HCG Sweet Apple!

How much weight can you lose on HCG diet in 40 days?

ABOUT OUR HCG 40-DAY DIET PROGRAM. The HCG 40 Day Program is designed for those wanting to lose 25+ pounds in the span of the 40 days. Patients who follow the plan usually average a 0.5 - 1.0 pound loss per day.

Can I eat nuts on HCG diet?

Keri Gans, RD, a New York–based dietitian, notes that the diet does not allow any of the following: Fatty Foods Fatty fish, nuts, or anything made with oil.

What Is The HCG 500 Calorie Diet?

Since Dr. Simeon’s published Pounds and Inches manuscript in the 1950s, thousands of people have used the HCG diet to lose weight.

Phases of the HCG Diet

Phase 1: Restock your fat reserves by indulging in everything you want for a few days. Dieters should not skip this part of the diet, even if it seems counter-intuitive.


Consume 200 grams of protein a day, twice a day, from the following foods


Consume two cups of veggies per day-one cup per meal of the following veggies

5-Day 500 HCG Calorie Diet Meal Plan Suggestions

Do not limit yourself to bland things if you stick to the diet. With the help of the 500-Calorie HCG diet, you can break undesirable eating habits such as excessive soda consumption, which can help shed pounds.

Final Thoughts

Because of all of the rules, restricted calorie intake, and even daily injections, the HCG diet can appear intimidating at first glance, especially for those following it for the first time.

What is the best food to eat on the HCG diet?

Seafood. This is one of the HCG Diet recipes that belongs to the seafood category. This poached fish with thyme is a safe choice for any of the diet’s phases and you won’t have to feel guilty if you eat this. Fish, after all, is healthy and the rest of the ingredients have minimal sodium in them.

How to follow HCG diet?

To successfully follow the HCG program, you may need to acquire a few things like a digital scale, measuring cloth or tape, scale for weighing food, and a water bottle. The water bottle must give you the correct water measurement that is needed for the diet. You need to drink half a gallon of water a day. You will also need to follow some HCG Diet recipes to make sure you are on the right track.

What is the HCG diet?

Eating and the HCG Diet. Eating is always integral when you are on a diet. This especially holds true for the HCG Diet. In the four phases of the diet, your calorie needs vary. In Phase 1, you need to eat a lot (even forbidden foods) to load up on energy and to sustain you throughout Phases 2 and 3.

What is phase 4 of HCG?

Phase 4 is the maintenance phase, which is to last your lifetime. You can start eating starch during this phase, but eat them at a minimum. During this phase, you do not need to bother taking the drops or the injections. You already know what foods to eat and what foods to avoid during the HCG Diet.

How to make chicken noodle soup with stevia?

Salt. Stevia (optional) Quarter the half lemon and add it to water. In a saucepan, boil the quarters until the pulp separates from the lemon rind. Add the chicken, broth, spices, and Bragg’s and simmer on low heat until the sauce is reduced by half the original volume and the chicken is cooked.

Can you garnish chicken with lemon zest?

If needed, deglaze periodically with water. When serving, you can garnish the chicken dish with mint, lemon zest, or fresh lemon slices. This protein-based dish, which serves one, is based on one of those HCG Diet recipes that would surely appeal to anyone on the diet.

Is lemon chicken a phase 1 or 2 recipe?

Of the HCG Diet recipes, this sweet lemon chicken dish can be enjoyed as one of the HCG recipes Phase 1 or one of the HCG Diet Phase 2 recipes. This dish is also easy to make and does not take too much of your time.

What is emotional healing?

Emotional Healing - taking care of past issues mental or emotional issues that may have caused one to turn to foods as "a fix". This may include getting professional assistance. A lot of you may not be ready for the amazing figure you now have! Believe it or not but this is the #1 reason why most will regain weight post any diet.

What to eat on phase 3?

In the evening you must eat a huge steak with only 1 apple or a raw tomato. ONLY DURING THE 3 WEEKS OF PHASE 3.

Is the HCG diet effective?

The HCG diet will be ineffective unless followed precisely as directed.

Can you eat after HCG?

After HCG is completed you may now eat anything you please . EXCEPT sugar and starch provided you are faithful to following one rule. This rule is that you must weigh yourself every morning.

Do you have to eat all the breads in a day?

Since the protocol says you are not required to eat all the food each day, you may consider dropping one or both of the ‘breads’ and/or one of your fruits, etc.

Can you change your medication if you have plateaued?

Have you changed or started one or more medications? The change may just cause a few days de lay as your body adjusts, but you may want to consult with your physician to possibly change again or go back to the previous medication if the plateau continues and all plateau breaking methods fail.

Is there sugar in chicken?

Make sure there are no additives in chicken or other protein sources – many times these are injected with some form of sugar even in the grocery store.

What is the HCG diet plan?

The HCG diet plan menu entails having discipline when it comes to food intake, as it is going to be limited. There are corresponding types of foods to be eaten for every phase of the diet plan. This article will discuss the diet plan menu suitable for the HCG weight loss program.

Why is it harder to eat during the HCG phase?

At first, the sudden change in calorie intake will make it harder to eat more. It is because the body is trying to adapt the sudden increase in food intake. For this phase, the same types of foods in the HCG diet menu of previous phases are to be eaten. The only change is that more food is to be consumed.

What is the least restrictive phase of HCG diet?

Allowing one’s self access to these kinds of foods, once in a while, will prevent severe food cravings. Phase 4 of the HCG diet plan is the least restrictive.

How many calories are in phase 2 of HCG?

The phase 2 of the HCG diet menu encompasses consuming only 500 calories per day. It will be surprising to know that, regardless of the calorie restrictions, there are many healthy food options to choose from.

What is the loading phase of HCG?

HCG Diet Menu Phase 1. The loading phase would only require the person to eat as much food as possible. Although there are no specific foods to take in this phase, there are still a few restrictions. Processed – dried, pickled, or cured – foods are not allowed. Only opt for fresh food choices.

What salts are good for low calorie diet?

To give added flavor to meals, the juice of one whole lemon can be used in any diet. Sea salt, Celtic salt, or Himalayan salt are the only salt types that can be used.

What to eat during the first phase of a diet?

Bulk up on protein rich and fatty food sources. Avoid eating foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates. Meat and seafood are the usual foods eaten during the first phase. All foods eaten can be cooked in any way – broiled, baked, grilled, boiled, or fried – without the use of fats and oils.

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