What is La Carbonara?
Under the careful guidance of Signora Salomone, La Carbonara became, and still is today, a place where ordinary people can mix with men and women from the world of entertainment, politics, writers and intellectuals. A simple place, open to everyone, where an opportunity for spontaneous friendliness is never far away. DISCOVER.
Where did Federico sell his coal?
It was early in the twentieth century when Grandfather Federico, a coal-merchant from Rione Ponte, more precisely Vicolo di Montevecchio the ancient seat of the Monte di Pietà charity, used to sell coal while his wife, Domenica, cooked hot meals for local workers in an adjoining little shop, in exchange for a few Lire. It sounds like the beginning of a novel, but it is the real history of the Salomone family, who in 1912 created one of the oldest restaurants in Rome that has never changed ownership.