liver shrinking diet menu

by Catharine Schuster Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Sample Liver Shrinking Diet Menu Plan for a Day

Food Intake Menu
Breakfast Avocado toast made with: 1 egg 1 slice l ...
Snack Protein shake, read below.
Lunch 3 oz baked chicken 1 cup green salad 2 t ...
Snack 1 oz light cheese like string cheese
May 24 2022

Full Answer

What foods shrink Your Liver?

  • Fish/shellfish, salmon, tuna, crab, halibut, trout, tilapia, bass, etc. perch, etc.;
  • Chicken or turkey breast (skinless) 90% lean ground turkey;
  • Lean beef: loin, round, at least 90% lean ground beef;
  • Lean pork: tenderloin;
  • Eggs hard-boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled, poached, etc.

What foods shrink the liver?

These include:

  • avocados
  • bananas
  • barley
  • beets and beet juice
  • broccoli
  • brown rice
  • carrots
  • figs
  • greens such as kale and collards
  • lemons

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What foods are bad for Your Liver?

These include:

  • Fatty foods: These include fried foods, fast food meals, and takeout meals from many restaurants. ...
  • Starchy foods: These include low fiber, highly processed breads, pastas, cakes, and baked goods.
  • Sugar: Cutting back on sugar and sugary foods — such as cereals, baked goods, and candies — may help reduce the stress on the liver.

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How to shrink liver in 3 days?

  • Milk
  • Protein
  • Fruit in two servings
  • Carbohydrates in three portions
  • Vegetables in three to five portions


What do you eat on the liver shrinking diet?

Instead, your diet will primarily consist of lean proteins like low-fat Greek yogurt or tuna and non-starchy carbs like broccoli, apples, or rolled oats. Alcohol, sugary drinks, and full-fat dairy are strictly prohibited.

Can you eat beef on liver shrinking diet?

Liver Shrinking Diet Menu For Dinner You can eat up to four ounces of lean meat.

What fruits can I eat on liver shrinking diet?

Fruit and Vegetables on the liver shrinking dietOne large fruit, e.g apple, banana, orange.Two small fruits, e.g plumbs, kiwifruit, tangerines.100mls unsweetened fruit juice (once per day only)2 tablespoons of stewed/ tinned fruit and natural juice.One small bowl of salad.Two to Three tablespoons of cooked vegetables.

Can your liver shrink in a week?

And, as mentioned above, a large liver increases your surgical risk. However, your liver can very quickly shrink in size if a strict diet is followed. This makes your surgery safer, you healthier, and prepares you for your diet the first few weeks after surgery. Avoid breads, pasta, cereals, rice, etc.

Can you drink coffee on liver shrinking diet?

Beverages – water, fruit-infused water, i.e. water with a slice of citrus fruit. Also, drinks like Crystal Light, Mio, Fruit2O, Propel Zero are also approved. Usually, you are not allowed to have caffeine or anything carbonated while on a liver reduction diet.

How many carbs a day will shrink your liver?

Liver Shrinking Diet Particulars The average calorie range is between 1,200 to 1,600 calories per day; The typical protein intake is between 70 to 120 grams a day; The recommended carbohydrate intake is between 40 to 50 grams a day.

What can I drink to shrink my liver?

The following diet option 1 is the recommended diet for liver shrinkage:3 pints (approximately 1800mls or 9 glasses) of skimmed milk (Red Top bottle of milk usually – please check label)Sugar free jelly made with water or you could include some of the required 3 pints of skimmed milk a day.More items...•

How can I detox my liver in 3 days?

The 3-day detox juice cleanse involves consuming only blended juices and water for 3 days....In general, the following steps are taken in a specific order:Morning detox tea.Breakfast drink.Supplements.Lunch drink.Supplements (multivitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics)Snack drink.Dinner drink.Detox ultra-bath.

How can I reduce my liver size quickly?

PreventionEat a healthy diet. Choose a diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all. ... Follow directions when taking medications, vitamins or supplements. ... Limit contact with chemicals. ... Maintain a healthy weight. ... Quit smoking. ... Use supplements with caution.

How much weight can you lose on liver shrinking diet?

Using this diet, you should be able to lose 5 – 10 pounds during the two weeks leading up to your operation.

What is the liver diet?

In general, the diet for fatty liver disease includes: fruits and vegetables. high-fiber plants like legumes and whole grains. significantly reducing intake of certain foods and beverages including those high in added sugar, salt, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fat.

Is beef good for your liver?

Red Meat. Red meat may be high in protein, but digesting it is a taxing job for your liver. Breaking down proteins is not easy for the liver and can lead to various liver-related issues. Also, excess protein build-up in the liver can lead to fatty liver diseases that can have adverse effects on the brain and kidney.

Can fatty liver patient eat beef?

Beef, pork, and deli meats are all high in saturated fats. The AGA suggests that a person with fatty liver disease try to avoid these foods as much as possible. Lean meats, fish, tofu, or tempeh make suitable substitutes. However, wild, oily fish may be the best choice, as it also provides omega-3 fatty acids.

Why is beef not good for liver?

The study authors said there are several reasons why red and processed meats may be linked to insulin resistance and NAFLD. For one, they have saturated fats and can cause inflammation. Processed meats also have a higher sodium content, which may be related to NAFLD.

Is red meat hard on the liver?

Red meat is an important dietary source of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Fatty acid deposition in the liver can lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease that may increase the risk of CLD and HCC (15). Alternatively, red meat contains high amounts of bioavailable heme iron (16).

What is the purpose of shrinking the liver?

A liver shrinking diet is a low-calorie diet intended to shrink the liver and decrease fat stored around it.

Liver shrinking diet guidelines

Liver shrinking diets can be categorized as low- or very-low-calorie diets (VLCDs).

Foods to eat and avoid

A liver shrinking diet includes foods that are high in protein and low in calories and carbs.

3-day sample menu plan

Here’s a 3-day sample menu plan, with each day containing fewer than 1,200 calories:


Studies have shown that a liver shrinking diet can decrease liver size by 11–23% and decrease body weight by 4–7% after just 2 to 4 weeks ( 3 ).


There are few risks associated with the liver shrinking diet when followed as part of the preoperative plan.

The bottom line

The liver shrinking diet is a low-calorie, high-protein diet designed to shrink the liver and promote fat.

How long should I follow a liver shrinking diet?

While most pre-op liver shrinking diets will have you follow the low calorie eating plan for around 2 weeks, it really depends on your BMI. Here’s a rough estimate of the time you may need to follow the eating plan: ...

Why is the liver shrinking diet prescribed?

When it comes to weight gain, the demand on the liver increases, which can cause fatty tissue to accumulate in and around the liver tissue. Research shows that 65% of those with a BMI of 30.0–39.9 and 85% of those with a BMI of 40 and above are likely to have some degree of fatty liver. ...

Why does the liver grow in the first place?

The liver is really a phenomenal organ. Not only does it process blood and detoxify a range of compounds, but it’s also a major storage site for energy storage. This energy storage system ensures that the moment the body needs extra energy, and it has used up the supplies in the blood and muscle, easy access to fuel is available.

Why is fat important for a shrinking liver?

Because fats are higher in calories, they’re generally limited on the eating plan to ensure the low calories goals are able to be achieved. Some forms of dietary fats, particularly saturated fats, also contribute to the fatty deposits in the liver, which is why the plan is low in carbs and low in fat.

How does a shrinking diet affect the liver?

The liver shrinking diet is a very low calorie diet that is designed to quickly, but safely, lose a lot of weight and push the liver into burning the fat it contains, causing it to shrink. While you won’t be able to physically see the different in the size of your liver by looking at your abdomen, if you’re following your pre-operative diet and you’re losing weight overall, it’s a good sign that the liver is getting into shape, too.

Why is the liver low in carbs?

Some forms of dietary fats, particularly saturated fats, also contribute to the fatty deposits in the liver, which is why the plan is low in carbs and low in fat. It is, of course, essential to keep your body functioning optimally throughout the process of promoting liver shrinkage, which is where protein comes in.

How long does it take to postpone liver surgery?

It is not uncommon for a surgeon to have to postpone a surgery by an additional two weeks if a patient has not been able to successfully follow the liver shrinking plan, as it may be too unsafe to complete the procedure under the risky conditions that a significantly enlarged liver presents.

How does the liver shrinking diet work?

The liver shrinking diet works by promoting weight loss and reducing inflammation in your liver. By eating foods that help shrink your liver, you can lose weight and improve your health. This type of diet is based on a simple principle: eat foods that are good for your liver and avoid bad foods for your liver.

What are the benefits of the liver shrinking diet?

The benefits of the liver shrinking diet include weight loss, reduced inflammation in your liver, and improved health. These benefits can help improve your quality of life and promote better health.

How to shrink liver?

Plan A – Use protein supplements, such as protein powders, shakes, puddings and have one low carb meal a day. Plan B – Choose regular foods that are low in carbohydrates and higher in protein.

Why is the liver enlarged?

The liver can become enlarged and contains abnormally large deposits of fat when a person is very obese. Due to its location in the body, it is in the way of the surgical area, and can cause problems for laparoscopic placement of the Lap-Band. This enlarged liver must be held out of the way by surgical instruments.

How to stay within the diet parameters?

In order to stay within the diet parameters, you will need to keep track of your food intake. We suggest you start a food journal – This can be as simple as a spiral note pad. You just need to be able to track your carbohydrate, fiber, protein and calorie intake. Although the LSD is not part of your weight loss phase, we recommend that you don’t go over 1,600 calories. This will help to keep you well within the diet limits for carbs and protein intake.

How long before surgery can you eat a special diet?

Patients with a Body mass index (BMI) of 45 or greater, or are at special risk due to a previous health condition, are prescribed a special diet 7 to 14 days prior to their scheduled surgery. A special diet (LSD) followed for a length of time prior to surgery, has been very effective in shrinking and firming the liver. This diet reduces the risk of potential bleeding and complications during your surgery. If you have been prescribed this special diet, it is important that you follow the instructions for the diet to improve your surgical outcome.

Can an enlarged liver be controlled?

This enlarged liver must be held out of the way by surgical instruments. An enlarged liver is more fragile than normal and will bleed easily when touched or manipulated. When the liver bleeds, it can be difficult to control and increases surgical risk.

Can you mix soy milk with protein drinks?

You may use low-fat or reduced fat milk or sugar-free soy milk to mix protein drinks (read labels milk is high in carbs)

Is the LSD diet the same as the post surgery diet?

It is important that you mentally prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. ( see also Getting Through the First Week of the Liver Shrinking Diet) Both the Pre-Surgical Diet (LSD) and the Post-Op Recovery Diet will be a drastic change from your previous eating habits, and will require your diligence and commitment for the diets to reach their desired effect. Although you may be tempted to splurge on all your favorite foods, this is not the time to let your health worsen.

Why is the liver shrinking diet important?

The aim of the Liver Shrinking Diet is to have low carbs. Successfully shrinking the liver increases the chances of laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery. If the liver is too large and someone cheats this could cause serious postoperative complications such as bleeding and leakage.

What fruits and vegetables can you eat to shrink your liver?

Fruit and Vegetables on the liver shrinking diet. Choose 3 of the following per day (a maximum of two portions should be fruit) One large fruit, e.g apple, banana, orange. Two small fruits, e.g plumbs, kiwifruit, tangerines. 100mls unsweetened fruit juice (once per day only)

Why Do you Need To Go On A Liver Shrinking Diet Before Gastric Bypass?

Before any bariatric surgery, a patient is required to undergo a Liver Shrinking Diet which makes it easier for the surgeon to operate on the stomach.

What do I need to prepare for gastric bypass?

To prepare for gastric bypass I needed a good set of kitchen scales, containers and measuring spoons. This helped me to keep on track and and ensure I measured my portion sizes correctly.

What happens if you cheat on your liver?

If the liver is too large and someone cheats this could cause serious postoperative complications such as bleeding and leakage.

Can you cheat on liver shrinking diet?

People do cheat on the Liver Shrinking diet and my surgeon told me he had on occasion been forced to stop a procedure after discovering the liver was too big to proceed.

Is a diet plan different for hospital patients?

The diet plan specifics may be different for you depending on which hospital or team you’re under.

What foods help the liver?

These include foods like nuts, seeds and fatty fish. One study found walnuts were one of the best nuts to improve liver function due to their high polyunsaturated fat content ( 6 ). However, all nuts and seeds can help.

What are some good foods to help with fatty liver?

Fruits and Vegetables. One study found that eating various plant-based foods can be helpful in improving liver health and fighting fatty liver disease. This is because nearly all fruits and vegetables contain compounds which are closely related to liver health.

How to reverse fatty liver disease?

Lowering cholesterol is a key marker to reduce in order to help reverse fatty liver disease. Eating fatty fish like salmon has been shown to help reduce C-Reactive Protein, or CRP ( 16, 17 ). High levels of CRP in the blood is a marker of inflammation, another key marker you should be trying to reduce.

Why does my liver have a fatty liver?

It is caused when the body stores too much fat content in the liver. This damages the liver and prevents it from removing toxins and producing bile in the digestive system. This can lead to other health problems developing. You’ll want to pick foods that fight damage, reduce insulin resistance and lower inflammation to help reverse fatty liver ...

What is the dressing for a salad?

For the dressing, mix the vinegar, oil, shallot, capers, basil & seasoning.

What foods can cause high blood sugar?

Added sugar in things such as such as candy, cookies, sodas, and fruit juices can cause high blood sugar levels, which eventually gets stored as fat. Refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, crackers, flour tortillas and biscuits can spike your blood sugar levels.

When is the 7 day diet for fatty liver?

7 Day Fatty Liver Diet Meal Plan (PDF & Menu) April 16, 2021. January 31, 2020 by Alex Johnson. If you’ve been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, changing your diet is one of the first methods recommended to control it. It is caused when the body stores too much fat content in the liver. This damages the liver and prevents it from removing toxins ...

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