What is a bootloader in STB?
The Bootloader is a program installed in STB to configure the STB boot process, make recovery STB operations, and for other auxiliary purposes. A Bootloader menu can be brought up during the STB boot process.
What is NAND2 in bootloader?
NAND/NAND2 - an internal non-volatile flash memory NAND (bank1) or NAND2 (bank2). Used to store STB software. Loading from flash memory is ordinary STB boot mode - bootloader will use that bank which is specified in this setting.
How to switch STB to normal boot mode?
Note. After resetting to the factory settings, STB is auto-set to DHCP boot mode. To switch STB to ordinary boot mode (from built-in memory NAND) user need to go back to Bootloader menu and select NAND or NAND2 boot mode.
Can you change bootloader settings without understanding the B ootloader?
It is not recommended to make changes to the Bootloader menu without properly understanding B ootloader settings and the consequences of changing them!
STB Software Description
Software Releases Mag250/254/270
Update from Embedded Portal by Http
- There are two options on how to update STB software from the manufacturer's web-server (by HTTP) using the commands of Embedded portal menus: 1. Update from Settingsmenu; 2. Update from System Settingsmenu.
Update with USB Drive
- STB software can be updated using USB-drive. The required softwareversion should be pre-downloaded and written to the USB-drive.
Update from Bootloader Using Multicast
- A multicasting update is performed from the Bootloader menu. This update method can only be used to install the public software versions (Public image) of the required STB model, those are located in the STB software release or created by users independently according to the instructions of the STB manufacturer. The following utilities can be used as a means to multicast update files on the local network: 1. for Linux OS - mcsend utility. This utilit…
Software Auto-Update
- Automatic software update consists of two phases: 1. Analysis of new software versions data. The STB periodically reads this data (file update_list.txt) from the web-server with software updates. In the standard software version (factory image), the following address is specified (<Model> - Basic model number: 250, 254 or 270): 2. When a new versio...