Is San Juan Unified still offering free school meals?
San Juan Unified will continue to provide free meals to all students going into the 2021-22 school year, and families are no longer required to submit a federal meal application to participate. For students attending school in-person, meals will be served per each school site’s existing schedule.
What is San Juan Unified doing about the food supply crisis?
San Juan Unified will ensure that there is always a meal option available for free to any student who would like to participate in our program. To help address this issue and minimize the impact on our students, we are diversifying our food suppliers and placing orders earlier. We thank you for your patience and flexibility.
Where can I find information about food services at sjusd?
For other information about food services, go to the SJUSD Nutrition Services website .
District News
Read more about COVID-19 booster appointments are available for March 3.
COVID-19 booster appointments are available for March 3
San Juan Unified is once again partnering with Rite Aid to provide a COVID-19 vaccine booster clinic for students and staff on Thursday, March 3.
Barrett Middle School students put signatures on new building in construction tradition
San Juan Unified celebrated its traditional wall signing inside John Barrett Middle School’s future MP building music room on Thursday, Feb. 17.
An update on masks in San Juan Unified schools
While district staff continue to closely monitor the conversation and prepare to promptly implement any changes, current state requirements that masks be used indoors for all students and adults remain in place.
Nutrition Services & Menus
We strive to ensure that we provide students and adults nourishing food, respond quickly to our customers’ needs, and provide staff development opportunities to improve program services.
Online Meal Application for free or reduced meals
Learn how to apply for free or reduced meals at http://www.thecentralkitchen.org/ .