schrafft's menu

by Miss Shemar Nolan Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago


Dish Price
Mixed Melon Cocktail 0.35
Banana Stuffed With Fresh Fruit Salad 0.95
Chilled Vegetable Juice Cocktail 0.2
Tomato, Macaroni, Grated American Cheese ... 0.85
Mar 25 2022

Full Answer

What kind of restaurant is Schrafft's?

Schrafft's was a chain of high-volume moderately priced New York restaurants connected to the Schrafft's food and candy business of Boston. The dining rooms, which had tablecloths at dinner time, and later had separate standing bar areas, were supplemented by fountain service lunch counters,...

What kind of food does Schrafft’s have?

Plates like Chicken a la King, Beef Stroganoff, Alaskan Crab Cakes, Corned Beef Hash, Cheese Souffle, and a simple steamed flounder with vegetables were for the adventurous and never as good as Mom’s. Schrafft’s knew the home cook would never cut corners and so neither would they.

What was Schrafft’s?

Back long before a lady’s drawers peeked through her micro-mini, there existed eateries called Schrafft’s. New York’s first Schrafft’s opened in 1898. Light lunches, big-time teas, white tablecloths, genteel sandwiches. Little old ladies with purple hair in hats and suits — unescorted, but feeling safe — were often patrons. We’re talking gentility.

Who is the president of Schrafft's specialty foods?

Says Schrafft’s Specialty Foods president James Byrne, the original family’s godson: “The world has changed. No more a mom-and-pop operation.


The only restaurant where I was permitted to order Coca Cola with my grilled cheese! Formerly at the south-east corner of 5th Avenue & 13th street. In later years, the Lone Star Cafe. Then it became a korean deli. Then a "mysterious fire" destroyed the closed deli. And finally building was torn down to be replaced with new, much-needed luxury condos. If only a Duane Reade would move into the street level commercial space, or maybe a bank

The only restaurant where I was permitted to order Coca Cola with my grilled cheese! Formerly at the south-east corner of 5th Avenue & 13th street. In later years, the Lone Star Cafe. Then it became a korean deli. Then a "mysterious fire" destroyed the closed deli.

The only restaurant where I was permitted to order Coca Cola with my grilled cheese! Formerly at the south-east corner of 5th Avenue & 13th street. In later years, the Lone Star Cafe. Then it became a korean deli. Then a "mysterious fire" destroyed the closed deli. And finally building was torn down to be replaced with new, much-needed luxury condos. If only a Duane Reade would move into the street level commercial space, or maybe a bank

The only restaurant where I was permitted to order Coca Cola with my grilled cheese! Formerly at the south-east corner of 5th Avenue & 13th street. In later years, the Lone Star Cafe. Then it became a korean deli. Then a "mysterious fire" destroyed the closed deli.

What is Schrafft's restaurant?

Schrafft's (restaurant chain) Schrafft's was a chain of high-volume moderately priced New York restaurants connected to the Schrafft's food and candy business of Boston. The dining rooms, which had tablecloths at dinner time, and later had separate standing bar areas, were supplemented by fountain service lunch counters, ...

Where was Schrafft's candy made?

Schrafft's began as a candy manufacturer in Boston but over time the company became a well-known restaurant chain as well. In 1898 Frank G. Shattuck, a salesman for the Schrafft company from upstate New York, opened a candy store at Broadway and West 36th Street in Manhattan, New York City.

What was Schrafft's known for?

Schrafft's was known for an air of gentility typical of the upper-middle-class home. Cooks, supervisors, and even some executives were women. Menus of the 1920s and 1930s included many salads, more desserts than entrees, and vegetable selections such as creamed cauliflower and fried eggplant. Rent cuts in The Depression encouraged chain expansion, ...

When did Schrafft's candy company close?

took over the restaurants. Pet made a renewed effort to renovate Schrafft's image and attract men. In 1981 the candy company ceased while the few restaurants remaining were in various hands.

How many Schraffts were there in 1937?

Rent cuts in The Depression encouraged chain expansion, and by 1937 there were 43 Schrafft's, primarily in metropolitan New York City, but a few in Boston and Philadelphia. The 1939 WPA Guide to New York City said Schrafft's had 38 locations in the metropolitan area, serving American home food.

When was Schrafft's first opened?

Back long before a lady’s drawers peeked through her micro-mini, there existed eateries called Schrafft’s. New York’s first Schrafft’s opened in 1898.

What was the menu at the 1920s?

The menu for Saturday, March 6, 1920: Chicken soup; 15 cents. Codfish on toast; 40 cents. A plate of ham with scalloped potatoes; 75 cents. Minute steak; 60 cents. Today, you have to tip more than their toasted cheese sandwich, which was 20 cents.

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