How can I view the Issaquah School District lunch menu?
The Issaquah School District Food Service department has partnered with Health-e Pro to enhance the lunch menu viewing experience for students and parents. View nutritional information for each menu item. View ingredient statements for each menu item. Filter menu items by the top 8 common allergens.
What are the meal choices in Sulphur Springs ISD?
In grades K-12, Sulphur Springs ISD allows a student to decline 2 of these components but one of their choices must be fruit or vegetable to be a reimbursable meal, otherwise, a la carte pricing will be charged. During breakfast, students must choose 3 of the 4 items offered for a meal to be reimbursable.
How many languages is the electronic school lunch menu available in?
Translate the menu into over 75 languages. Make healthy food choices whenever it’s convenient, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. *We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox when accessing the Electronic School Lunch Menu .*

What is the Santo ISD nutrition department?
The Santo ISD Child Nutrition Department offers a variety of food items that meet the needs of our diverse student and adult population. Breakfast and lunch use a traditional menu pattern planning system, which meets our department’s nutrition goals and adheres to USDA and the Texas Administration Code regulations. For additional information, please go to the Texas Department of Agriculture or Squaremeals.
What is the nutrition policy for schools?
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has established new and improved nutrition standards for school lunches as part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act signed into law in 2010.