What is the phone number for Wild Wolf Brewing Company?
Wild Wolf Brewing Company offers takeout which you can order by calling the restaurant at (434) 361-0088.
Where is Wild Wolf Brewing Company located?
Located in Nellysford, Virginia, Wild Wolf Brewing company is a full-scale brewery and restaurant that serves handcrafted fare using locally sourced ingredients and seasonally available items. On the menu at Wild Wolf Brewing Company, you will find BBQ pulled pork nachos, risotto fritters, boneless chicken tenders, black bean burritos, smoked chicken and BBQ ribs.
Where is parking in the restaurant?
Parking is in the front and to the left of the restaurant.
Is Wild Wolf a good place to dine?
We have dined at Wild Wolf several times since they opened and find them to be a wonderful place to dine. The outdoor courtyard seating next to the watergarden with running waterfall is both charming and soothing!