How many locations does Willy McCoy's have?
We have six convenient metro locations all serving up the same great menu! Check out the location nearest you for specials and events. Simply fill out the inquiry form with the location you are looking for and we will work with you to plan your special private gathering! Follow Willy McCoy's!
Is Willy McCoys open on Thanksgiving Day?
All Willy McCoys locations will be closed on Thanksgiving day. Online ordering will not be available. Thank you for your patronage! We are grateful to be a part of the communities we serve!
How do I order from Willy McCoys in Bloomington?
Choose curbside or inside pickup. Click this link to order from the Bloomington location. Follow us on FB to see the weekly specials, promotions and events currently happening at your local Willy McCoys.
How much are the nachos at Willy's?
Duck Wontons $10.99 Roasted corn and tossed with a habanero glaze. Served on corn succotash and garnished with chipotle ranch and cilantro. Willy's Ultimate Nachos $11.99
What is Mac and cheese?
Mac & cheese: homemade cheese sauce with blended cheese mixed with macaroni noodles. Served with breadstick.
What is Alaskan walleye served with?
Alaskan Beer-Battered walleye served with lettuce, . Tomatoes, red onion and house-made tartar sauce on a toasted French loaf.
What cheese is served with chipotle ranch?
Beer-Battered Wisconsin cheese golden fried to perfection and served with chipotle ranch.