Who owns Zorbaz Detroit Lakes?
1 component of what our brand is today.” Hanson stepped back from actively running Zorbaz in 2006, but it remains in family hands. Hanson's son Kevin is the operating partner at the most recently opened Zorbaz, in Alexandria, and his oldest son Cole now serves as CEO and owner of the company.
What was the first Zorbaz?
Back in the summer of 1969, Tom Hanson launched Zorbaz in a former candy store on the Detroit Lakes city beach. At that time, he was a 23-year-old drama and debate teacher and coach, and Zorbaz was only open in the summertime, when school was out.
How many Zorbaz are there in MN?
11We now have 11 northern Minnezota lakez locationz and promize "Alwayz Great Memoriez," at each one. Zee you at the lake! Don't forget to grab a Zorbaz pazzport on your travelz.
What lake is Zorbaz on in Alexandria?
Lake Le Homme DieuZorbaz is a Mexican and Pizza Joint located in Alexandria, MN on Lake Le Homme Dieu.
What does Zorbaz mean?
Zorbas. "Zorbas" (or more commonly, "Zorba's Dance") is an instrumental by Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis. The song featured in the 1964 film Zorba the Greek, for which Theodorakis wrote the soundtrack, and became popular around the world. It is now commonly played and danced to in Greek tavernas.
How did Zorbaz get its name?
The name comez from the popular 1960'z movie Zorba the Greek ztarring Anthony Quinn. Zorba waz fun loving, free zpirited, carefree and happy.
What is Zorba's favorite dish?
Zorba’s all-time favorite stewed tender chicken thighs on the bone in house garlic tomato sauce. Served on a bed of steamed basmati rice. Roasted whole portabella mushroom, grilled onion slices, grilled roma tomato, zucchini and red peppers. Served over steamed dill rice and mirrored with lemon-dill scented broth.
What are the flavors of Zorba's?
Taste the different flavors of Zorba's and satisfy your taste buds. Savor our awesome Hummus, Baba Ghanouj, Crisp falafel, Spanako pita, Tiropita, Dolmas and grilled Asparagus. Served with pita, tzatziki and tahini dipping suaces.
Build Your Own!
Ztart with Frezhly Made Dough, Hand Rolled, Covered with Our Zpecially Prepared Rich Tomato Zauce, Provolone & Mozzarella Cheeze & Your Choice of Generouz Amountz of Frezh Toppingz. Our Pizzaz Are Then Baked to a Deliciouz Golden Brown (Crizp, yet Tender) & Then Are Uzually Cut into Pie-Zhaped Piecez, Unlezz Zpecified Otherwize.
Disclaimer: PriceListo gathers actual pricing information from sources such as on-site visits, business websites, and phone interviews. The prices reported on this webpage derive from one or more of those sources. Naturally, the prices reported on this website may not be current, and may not apply to all locations of a given business brand.
What is on a gyro bun?
Toasted bun with gyro meat, tomato, onion and a side of tzatziki sauce.
What is on a toasty bun?
Toasty bun with your choice of grilled or cripsy chicken, topped with tomato, onion, and lettuce.