¿Cómo estás mean in spanish?
¿cómo estás? hello! how are you? Hola, como estas? Hello, how have you been?
¿Cómo es el in spanish?
Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict. Possible Results: ¿Cómo es? -What's he like?
¿Qué en Spanish?
Que or de que as a conjunction is usually translated as "that," which is often optional in English.
¿Cómo English from Spanish?
in what way You use the word how when you ask about the way that something happens or the way that you do something.
¿Cómo está usted hoy?
How are you today? a. How are you today?
¿Qué examples Spanish?
el que, la que, lo que, los que, las que—which, who, whom—This pronoun phrase must match the noun it refers to in both number and gender. It is often interchangeable with el cual but is more informal in usage. Rebeca es la mujer con la que vas a viajar. (Rebeca is the woman with whom you are going to travel.)