eagle county schools lunch menu

by Glenna Krajcik Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How many days can a student eat without paying?

Students will be allowed to eat as many as three days per year without paying before a written notice is sent to parents. On the third day a written notice will be sent to the parents, via the student, requesting payment.

What happens if my child doesn't bring lunch money?

If your child does not bring lunch money, it is the responsibility of the parent to send a lunch with the child. In case of forgotten bag lunches, the child will not be allowed to call home. School lunch will be provided and parents will be billed by the cafeteria.

Do you have to pay for lunch in advance?

Lunch for the entire week should be paid for on Monday, however, you may pay monthly in advance.

Can you combine lunch money with other school fees?

Do not combine lunch money with any other school fee or payment. All lunch money is paid to the lunchroom manager in the cafeteria before school. No money will be accepted in the lunch line. The lunchroom manager may be contacted at 641-2588. Prices are subject to change.

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