Is La Fogata outdoor food & drinks open on OpenTable?
La Fogata Outdoor Food & Drinks is rated 4.3 stars by 348 OpenTable diners. Is La Fogata Outdoor Food & Drinks currently accepting reservations? Yes, you can generally book this restaurant by choosing the date, time and party size on OpenTable.
Why choose La Fogata for your birthday party?
La Fogata is the perfect place for birthday parties, weddings, or any celebration or event. We offer private party space throughout the restaurant to accommodate groups ranging in size from 25 to 1,000. We’ll work with you to craft the perfect menu—from seated dinners to buffets that include all of your La Fogata favorites.
Why stay in San Antonio at La Fogata?
At La Fogata, you can stay in San Antonio while your taste buds travel south of the border. Using genuine, old world recipes, our iconic San Antonio Mexican restaurant delivers fabulous cuisine that reflects true tradition. No matter how you like your margarita, La Fogata is the place for you—and every other margarita drinker in the city.
What is a Fogata party?
La Fogata is the perfect place for birthday parties, weddings, or any celebration or event. We offer private party space throughout the restaurant to accommodate groups ranging in size from 25 to 1,000. We’ll work with you to craft the perfect menu—from seated dinners to buffets that include all of your La Fogata favorites. Impress your guests with an event that really is especial at La Fogata.
What is the size of a birthday party at La Fogata?
We offer private party space throughout the restaurant to accommodate groups ranging in size from 25 to 1,000.
Saludos estuvinos alli desde la 3:15 de la tarde y nos tuvimos que ir a las 6:15 sin comer por que la comida nunca llego fue muy triste ya que nos encanta el lugar y habia llevado a unos amigos que era su promera vez terminamos en un restaurante en el condado comiendo casa a las 8:00 de la noche tramenda verguenza para mi que recomende el lugar
La Fogata Outdoor Food & Drinks is rated 4.2 stars by 317 OpenTable diners.