Does MMSD offer free meals to students?
The USDA has extended the flexibility for school districts to provide free meals to students, and MMSD has elected to participate in this program. All students are eligible for meals at no charge, provided that states continue to make free and reduced-price free and reduced priced meal applications available.
How do I contact the MMSD food service team?
The MMSD Food Service Team is available to help assist as well. Feel free to contact Nichele Smith 608-204-4000 or email food@madison.k12.wi.us .
Will MTSD students be able to eat lunch at no cost?
On April 20, 2021, the USDA approved the extension of the waiver allowing all students to eat breakfast and lunch at no cost, regardless of eligibility status, through June 30, 2022. The district has been working closely with Aramark, our food service provider, to offer meals to all students attending MTSD.
What is the goal of the school lunch program?
Our shared goal is to provide students with a well-balanced meal that also appeals to their tastes, while meeting the guidelines of the USDA's National School Lunch Program. What’s on the Plate? For more detail, click here.

Food & Nutrition Update - Sept. 15, 2021
Food & Nutrition has been excited to welcome all of your students back into our buildings over the past several weeks. While it has been great to watch the District take steps back toward a normal school year, Food & Nutrition has continued to experience significant operational challenges related to the pandemic.
Gordon Food Service Update - August 26, 2021
We are looking forward to helping create a positive 2021-2022 school year for your district, and the children you serve! And, we’re committed to partnering with you to meet today’s business challenges, head-on. Here are actions Gordon Food Service is taking to ensure a successful return to school:
Meet our new Director and Assistant Director of Food & Nutrition
Nichele P. Smith, our new Director of Food & Nutrition, has a passion for feeding children, making sure they receive the very best reimbursable meals offered under the National School Lunch Program.
What will mealtimes look like in fall 2021?
Each school is developing its own plan to appropriately distance students while eating. This may include assigned seats, classroom meals, use of hallways or common spaces, and eating outside. Schools will strive to maintain a distance of 6 feet between students when eating, but less distance will be permitted, as needed.
Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT)
School Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) is a program that offers reimbursements for families to purchase food if their children were not getting free or reduced-price meals because they were learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Families who have not yet received benefits because of eligibility program rules can contact DHS for more information.
What time does Homestead High School pick up meals?
Summer meal pick-up is available weekly: 7:30-9:00 a.m. - Monday through Thursday. Homestead High School - 5000 W. Mequon Rd. All meals are free for kids 18 and under - you do not have to be a MTSD student to receive a meal.
What are the USDA standards for nutrition?
Designed to ensure students receive an appealing, balanced meal consisting of foods from all major food groups, the USDA’s standards focus on obtaining calories and other key nutrients from fruits, vegetables, lean protein foods, grains, and milk with proper serving sizes for a student’s age and activity level.
What school district provides healthy meals?
The Mequon-Thiensville School District provides a variety of healthy and tasty meal options daily in partnership with its food service provider, Aramark. Our shared goal is to provide students with a well-balanced meal that also appeals to their tastes, while meeting the guidelines of the USDA's National School Lunch Program.
What can students use to identify foods that may contain allergens?
Students and families can also use filtering tools to identify foods that may contain allergens, including milk, egg, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, or shellfish. For easy access to digital menus, visit your device’s app store and download the Nutrislice app to your mobile device.
What are the requirements for school meals?
Meals must provide one-third of Recommended Dietary Allowances of protein, vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium. School meals are served in age-appropriate portion sizes. Foods are baked, never fried. Items like rolls or sandwich bread are made with whole-grains.
When will MTSD start offering lunch?
On April 20, 2021, the USDA approved the extension of the waiver allowing all students to eat breakfast and lunch at no cost, regardless of eligibility status, through June 30, 2022. The district has been working closely with Aramark, our food service provider, to offer meals to all students attending MTSD.