What is noodle made of?
Noodles are typically made from unleavened wheat dough and are stretched, extruded, or rolled, and then cut into varying shapes. Noodles account for approximately 20%–50% of the total wheat consumed in Asia, and its popularity has extended to many countries outside of Asia (Hou, 2010a).
Where does the word noodle come from?
Perhaps from an alteration of German Knödel (“dumpling”), from German Knoten (“knot”) or from Latin minutulus (“very small, tiny”) in the sense of "to chop (food) into small pieces" or Latin nodulus (“little knot”).
Who owns noodle education?
John KatzmanJohn Katzman (born October 10, 1959) is an American EdTech pioneer. He has established a number of companies which assist students with their studies and career choices, including Princeton Review, 2U, and Noodle Partners.
What is noodle EdTech?
Noodle is an organization that connects students with schools, programs, resources, and experts. New York, New York, United States. 51-100. Series C.
What does calling someone a noodle mean?
(Entry 1 of 3) 1 : a stupid person : simpleton. 2 : head, noggin.
Why is the brain called a noodle?
While you might think that noodles don't really look like heads, they do kinda look like brains. Originally “using your noodle” was an insult – comparing a simpleton wagging his head around while thinking with a wet, floppy noodle.
Is Noodle an OPM?
New York-based, John Katzman-created OPM (Online Program Manager), Noodle, announced last week an online platform intended for universities interested in the lifelong learning market.
How many employees does Noodle have?
Company Growth (employees)Employees (est.) (Nov 2020)250(+2%)Website Visits (Feb 2022)260.7 kCybersecurity ratingBMore
What is OPM education?
Online program management (OPM) providers are a growing segment of service providers that work with colleges and universities globally to take new academic programs online. OPM providers offer a suite of services either as a package or on a fee-for-service basis.
Who invented the Noodle?
Origin. The earliest written record of noodles is found in a book dated to the Eastern Han period (25–220 CE). Noodles made from wheat dough became a prominent food for the people of the Han dynasty. The oldest evidence of noodles was from 4,000 years ago in China.
How old is noodle from Gorillaz?
10-year-oldOriginally designed as a 10-year-old in Gorillaz' 2001 debut album, Noodle and the rest of Gorillaz have since been depicted as getting progressively older with each Gorillaz album, and is portrayed today as an adult woman now entering her 30s.
Is Georgia Tech a good school?
The Georgia Tech College of Engineering continues to be recognized as an elite engineering school and one of the top public institutions in the nation. The undergraduate engineering program at the College ranked 4th in the 2022 America's Best Colleges edition of U.S. News & World Report (published in September 2021).
Definition of noodle
2 : a buoyant, flexible cylinder of polyethylene foam used as an aid in swimming or staying afloat in water Grasp the pool noodle with hands about shoulder-width apart, then extend arms straight out in front of you on the water's surface … — Good Housekeeping
Examples of noodle in a Sentence
Verb He was just noodling around on the guitar. It's a thought I've been noodling around with for some time.
Kids Definition of noodle
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do not hang noodles on my ears
Do not try to mislead me or fool me. Oh please, do not hang noodles on my ears—you clearly forged your mom's signature on this document! If you don't want to go, just tell me. Don't hang noodles on my ears and fake being sick.
hang noodles on my ears
To mislead me or fool me. Oh please, do not hang noodles on my ears—you clearly forged your mom's signature on this document! If you don't want to go, just tell me. Don't hang noodles on my ears and fake being sick.
My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Noodles
A mnemonic device for remembering the names of the eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Other similar but outdated mnemonics usually include a P-word at the end to represent Pluto, which was formerly considered a true planet but was demoted to the status of "dwarf planet" in 2006.
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles
A mnemonic device for remembering the names of the eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Other similar but outdated mnemonics usually include a P-word at the end to represent Pluto, which was formerly considered a true planet but was demoted to the status of "dwarf planet" in 2006.
noodle about (something)
To discuss, speak, or think about something in an idle, aimless, or purely speculative manner. ("Noodle" here is slang for head or brain.) He spent most of the party noodling about all these pseudo-philosophical ideas that just made him sound pretentious.
noodle around
1. To spend time investigating, perusing, or examining something. I could spend hours in the library just noodling around all the old books they have there. I think I'm going to noodle around the electronics section for a while.
noodle juice
1. obsolete slang Tea. My throat's a bit sore, so I'm just going to get some noodle juice.
Paves the way for original, high-quality work
NoodleTools gives students a systematic but flexible framework for navigating the tangled web of research. Students develop expert critical-thinking skills, gain confidence, and replace patchwriting and plagiarism with synthesis.
Grows with students, novice to expert
From a novice’s research question to a graduate student’s thesis, the three levels of NoodleTools provide a mental model for research and a common language across faculty and disciplines.
Supports teaching in the moment
NoodleTools pulls back the curtain so that you can offer early, in-context feedback on students’ work at predictable bottlenecks and ahead of the writing space.
Gives you access to experts
We are educators, citation specialists, primary source authorities, and academic researchers. That expertise is baked into our platform design and services.