Q) Does Soda Bomb (633 Estrella Pkwy) deliver?
Yes, Soda Bomb (633 Estrella Pkwy) delivery is available on Seamless.
Q) Does Soda Bomb (633 Estrella Pkwy) offer contact-free delivery?
Yes, Soda Bomb (633 Estrella Pkwy) provides contact-free delivery with Seamless.
Q) Is Soda Bomb (633 Estrella Pkwy) eligible for Seamless+ free delivery?
Yes, Seamless offers free delivery for Soda Bomb (633 Estrella Pkwy) with a Seamless+ membership.
Thank you Luke S. for your awesome review! Come buy and try it our for yourself!
Really fun and tasty flavors. Coke Freestyle machines are pretty common these days in continental US but the flavors and combos they do here are way better than anything I've seen in a machine, especially the locally inspired flavors.