Where is medieval Zaranj located?
Medieval Zaranj is located at Nād-i `Alī, 4.4 km north of the modern city of Zaranj. According to the Arab geographers, prior to medieval Zaranj, the capital of Sistan was located at Ram Shahristan (Abar shariyar).
What is your review of Zaranj in Kolkata?
Zaranj is a very nice place, situated at the heart of Kolkata (near Indian Museum) but without the crowd which one would often associate with restaurants in similar locations. The ambience is perfect for a family dinner or lunch. Though Zaranj doesn't have its own...
What is the population of Zaranj in Iran?
The city of Zaranj has a population of 160,902 people. There are 17,878 residential dwellings in Zarat and 1,759 hectares of agricultural land. Commercial land use is clustered on the main road to Iran.
What is the history of Zaranj in Pakistan?
In the 9th century Zaranj was the capital of the Saffarid dynasty, whose founder was the local coppersmith turned warlord, Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar. It became part of the Ghaznavids, Ghorids, Trimurids, Safavids and others.

The Zaranji raan is a must try here, but it takes a long time to be prepared. It is a good idea to call in advance and order, in case you do not want to wait
Priyadarshini Speaks
Zaranj opened its doors way back in 1991 and emerged as one of the most coveted destinations for North Western Frontier Cuisine.
What is the name of the ancient city of Zaranj?
History. Modern Zaranj bears the name of an ancient city whose name is also attested in Old Persian as Zranka. In Greek, this word became Drangiana. Other historical names for Zaranj include Zirra, Zarangia, Zarani etc. Ultimately the word Zaranj is derived from the ancient Old Persian word zaranka ("waterland"; cf. Pashto dzaranda ).
Who was the founder of Zaranj?
In the 9th century Zaranj was the capital of the Saffarid dynasty, whose founder was the local coppersmith turned warlord, Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar. It became part of the Ghaznavids, Ghorids, Trimurids, Safavids and others.
What is the airport in Zaranj?
The city is served by Zaranj Airport, which is also being improved by the United States. US Marines assigned to 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing have been visiting Zaranj since US Marine Base Forward Operating Base Delaram was built in Delaram district of Zaranj.
What dynasty was Zaranj part of?
In the early 18th century, the city became part of the Afghan Hotaki dynasty until they were removed from power in 1738 by Nader Shah of Khorasan.
When did Zaranj surrender?
The area came under Muslim rule in 652, when Zaranj surrendered to the governor of Khurāsān; it subsequently became a base for further caliphal expansion in the region. In 661, a small Arab garrison reestablished its authority in the region after having temporarily lost control due to skirmishes and revolts.
How many houses are there in Zarat?
There are 17,878 residential dwellings in Zarat and 1,759 hectares of agricultural land. Commercial land use is clustered on the main road to Iran. The history of Zaranj dates back over 2500 years and Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar, founder of the Saffarid dynasty was born in the city.