williamson county schools lunch menu

by Claudie Raynor Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How many meals are served in Williamson County Schools each day?

An average of 27,500 meals are served per day, about 2.75 million meals a year. To ensure school kitchens keep the highest cleanliness standards, Williamson County Health Department conducts two inspections per year at each school.

How do I enroll my child in Williamson County Schools?

The Williamson County School Board establishes school zones for the district. To enroll your child in one of our schools, complete the forms on the Online Enrollment/Registration page and visit your child’s zoned school. School start and end times are for the 2021 – 2022 school year.

How often do school kitchens get inspected in Williamson County?

To ensure school kitchens keep the highest cleanliness standards, Williamson County Health Department conducts two inspections per year at each school. In addition to the WC Health Department’s inspections, numerous health and safety inspections are conducted by Food Services.


Can foster children get free meals?

If your household income is at or below the federal guidelines, your child may qualify to receive free or reduced priced meals. If you have a foster child, he or she may be eligible to receive free meals regardless of household income .

Do parents have to monitor their child's lunch?

Parents are encouraged to take an active role in monitoring their child's lunch account and make sure there are sufficient funds to cover all purchases. Each school sets its own policy when it comes to students not having enough money in their accounts to cover meal cost.

Can you send cash to Williamson County Schools?

Although cash payment s are accepted, it is not recommended to send cash to school with students. Food Services is a self-suporting enterprise within Williamson County Schools. Directed by the School Board, Food Services must maintain a responsible financial approach in its operation to remain self-supporting.

Does Williamson County offer MySchoolBucks?

Williamson County Schools is excited to offer MySchoolBucks®. This online payment service provides a quick and easy way to add money to your student’s meal account using a credit/debit card or electronic check. Learn how to set up your account today.


Updated COVID-19 information including weekly numbers by school and current FAQs.


Williamson County Schools (WCS) Food Services makes nutritious and well-prepared meals every day. Meals are no cost to students during the 2021 - 2022 school year.

Buses & Zoning

The Williamson County School Board establishes school zones for the district.


To enroll your child in one of our schools, complete the forms on the Online Enrollment/Registration page and visit your child’s zoned school.

District Calendar

This Calendar displays the holidays that are observed throughout the school year, along with days that there is no school or no students.

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